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Kie's POV:

We got back to the Outer Banks and life was going to be rough for the next year. We were all so close to being adults. My parents were probably going to murder me.

Our group has been falling apart ever since we came back from Poguelandia. It was so sad, but at the same time, it was exactly what we all knew was coming. Pope didn't take much money from the cross, he donated it to a museum. He had enough money to pay for college and he was focused on his studies. Cleo became his everything and she worked with his parents.

John B and Sarah both went to a ton of therapy and fought all the time. Sometimes I think Sarah would be better off with Topper, even JJ agrees. So we told her and supported her and she ended up dating Topper. She was so much happier and finally could breathe again. She deserved happiness.

That left John B. He got all the money from the gold and El Dorado. He really changed after his father died. It was like we didn't matter anymore. We all were meeting at the Chateau before we had to talk to the cops. Of course, an argument broke out.

"I have the gold from my father and El Dorado, Pope has his family cross, and look JJ is left with nothing" John B said

"Dude" Pope said as it was really harsh

"It's the truth"

"No, it's not. The gold is a bunch of fucking bullshit. If I could go back, I'd never help you try to find it because it's destroyed the pogues. Things will never be the same. I might not have the cross and the college scholarship or the lost city of gold but I have something so much more valuable. I have Kie, she's my everything. I don't care if we spend the rest of our lives on the cut living in the shithole house my dad left behind. All that I want is to be with Kie..."

I was trying not to cry because that was so sweet of him. John B looked at his best friend and had the nerve to say, "She's a kook, she's going to leave you just like Sarah left me. You and me, we're the same"

"I'm not going to leave him. Because unlike you, JJ actually cares about me more than some stupid treasure. We're outta here. Fuck the treasure, enjoy your life with millions of dollars and no friends" I said grabbing JJ's hand as we left the Chateau

We went back to his house and we were talking about how different John B was now. I was sad, we lost our best friend.

"Did you really mean what you said? You know about me being your treasure" I asked

"Yes... When Singh's guys took you, I thought that was it. I never thought I'd see you again. It was my job to protect you and I failed. All that I cared about was getting you back safe. I didn't give a shit about the treasure hunt. I was ready to offer myself up as a hostage to save you. I'd do anything for you"

My mom and dad hated that I was dating JJ, but I really didn't care. The day that I turned eighteen, I moved in with him. We were living in his old house on the cut while John B had bought a mansion on Figure Eight. Sarah and Topper were planning on going to college together. We'd actually gotten pretty close with Topper. He was cool now and fit in with the pogues. I've never seen Sarah happier.

JJ and I had no money from any of the treasure but that's okay because we had each other. Out of the all Pogues, we were the happiest. We got married right after high school. My parent's totally cut me off so I was full pogue. JJ and I were working and I was actually able to get a pretty decent job. JJ and I saved a ton of money for a few months and then we went on our mini surf trip.

On that trip, I got pregnant. We were now back home and I thought that JJ might be mad, but he was so excited. We immediately facetimed the pogues, minus John B, and told them the news. Everyone was so happy for us.

Over the years, Pope and Cleo were happy and engaged. Sarah and Topper were married and expecting their first child together. JJ and I have two kids together and we were happier than ever. I was also five months pregnant with our third child.

We were having the pogues over for a small party tonight and we were all having fun until John B showed up. No one has talked to him in years.

"Hey" He said and everyone looked at him

"What the hell are you doing here?" JJ asked

"I came to see my friends and apologize for everything. You were right, JJ... Kie's your true treasure. Cleo is Pope's treasure and Sarah should have been mine. I got greedy and obsessed with the treasure. I lost Sarah and I lost my best friends. I'm sorry, but JJ your and Kie live on the cut and you guys don't care. You're still in love and happy and have a beautiful family. Pope and Cleo are still together while Pope is going to medical school. And Sarah found the love that I couldn't give her from Topper. I lost everything that truly matters even though I have the gold"

"We appreciate the apology but it doesn't change anything" Pope said

We all talked and we forgave him. He actually gave us our share of the treasure. We let him stay and hang out and he was actually pretty cool about the Sarah and Topper married and expecting a baby situation. He was slowly going to work his way back into the group and I was glad he finally realized how much that gold fucked him up.

I laid in bed with my husband and said, "So, we're rich now"

"Yeah, we are...."

"Nothing changes... The only thing that changes is we quit our jobs and go travel with the kids"

"The sounds perfect. Where should we go first?" I asked already knowing his answer was going to be Yucatan

Of course, I was correct. We talked about the trip and al lathe adventures we were about to have. I knew the money would never change us. We might be richer than all of Figure Eight, but we were still true pogues at heart.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now