story 99

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Kie's POV:

I was leaving for college and I was with JJ. Everyone else was already asleep and we were sleeping in the hammock under the stars.

My whole life was going to change. I was leaving for college tomorrow morning. I was going to school across the country in Arizona.

JJ, John B, and Sarah were staying behind in OBX. This was my last night with the pogues and I couldn't stop thinking about all the memories I've shared with my best friends.

"Remember when John B kissed you" JJ said as we both started laughing

"How could I forget? He really just went for it and it came out of nowhere" I said remembering all the drama it caused and how embarrassed he was

"And then there was the time you and Pope dated for like a week"

"Ugh don't remind me. Worst decision of my life. I love Pope like a best friend, not romantically. I'm so glad we were able to move past that"

"Yeah, he was pissed for a bit. You also hooked up with him"

"J, we promised not to talk about that" I said embarrassed

"Fine... Remember the time I got so drunk that I pissed in the Cameron's pool" he said and I bursted out into laughter

We sat there for another hour laughing about all our high school memories. The good. The bad. The happy. The sad. All of it. It was around 5am and the sun was slowly starting to come up. I was leaving at 7am with my parents to drive to Arizona.

JJ and I were just now starting to fall asleep.

"Hey J" I said in almost a whisper

"Yeah?" He asked also very sleepy

"Can I kiss you?" I asked

I've kissed John B and Pope and they were fine. But JJ Maybank had a reputation. He was known for hooking up with girls. There's also many rumors about him and his performances with girls. Many say they've never been with someone better.

I've always wondered what kissing him would be like. So me being stupid just asked if I could kiss him. I leave in two hours to move across the country. It would give us both time to forget about it and pretend as if it never happened.

JJ was suddenly paying way more attention to me and he said, "Yeah, if you want to. Fair warning, I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning"

Typical JJ.... I just looked into his ocean blue eyes and he looked back into mine. The moon changed and I slowly leaned in until our lips met. His lips were soft which I wasn't expecting.

The kiss only lasted about three seconds before we both broke away. I was going to call it good. I finally kissed JJ. But to my surprise he rolled over so he was hovering over me and he crashed his lips back into mine.

We kissed much longer this time and with tongue. Wow. I had no thoughts in my head right now. I was so lost in this make out sesh.

My legs were wrapped around his body and my hands were lost in his hair. His hand was behind my head and the other on my chest slowly moving to my breast.

We quickly broke apart when we heard chatter from John B, Pope, and Sarah. They opened the door right as we broke apart and John B said, "Come on, one last sunrise surf"

"You know me so well" I said getting up leaving JJ in the hammock as I grabbed a board and we all piled into the Twinkie to head to the beach

JJ was quiet the whole morning and I was exhausted from staying up all night with him. We surfed for an hour and then grabbed breakfast from our favorite place.

My parents arrived at the chateau to pick me up. I was crying as I said goodbye to all my friends. Sarah was crying with me.

I got to JJ and he hugged me so tight. I lightly kissed his cheek and then I got in the car with my parents and headed towards Arizona.

We had a long drive ahead of us and I fell asleep pretty fast. I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened between me and JJ if the pogues wouldn't have interrupted us this morning.

I guess I was never going to know and maybe it was for the best. I had until Christmas now before I'd see him again. For now, I had to stop thinking about it.

It's JJ we're taking about. He could never have real feelings. It was just a kiss. A really good kiss.

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