story 140

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*story is inspired by a movie on Netflix called 'Your Place or Mine' *


Kie grew up to be successful. She went to college, found this guy, fell in love, got married, and had two kids. They were together for a long time and then they got divorced.

He was kinda an asshole at the end of their marriage and was pretty absent now in his kids' lives. John B, Pope, and I tried to be good uncles, but it was hard as Kie lived in California and we were all in the Outer Banks.

However, Kie had this incredible opportunity to go to Costa Rica for her job. She's a marine biologist and got into some fancy program to go do whatever she does in Costa Rica. Her ex was supposed to come and stay with the kids so she could go but he canceled last minute and she was going to have to cancel her incredible opportunity,

Kie and I talked pretty much daily since she moved to California after high school. We all were still super close, even if we didn't see each other every day. I told Kie that she was going and that I was coming to watch her kids. She told me no, but I didn't listen. She dropped the kids off at school and then left and I arrived in time to pick them up.

She had an seven year old boy, Liam and a five year old daughter, Sophia. They were pretty excited to see me pick them up from school. I brought them home and brought my suitcase inside to Kie's room. Next up was homework for them and I had to figure out dinner. Liam informed me that Kie had a bunch of meals ready to go in the freezer. Of course, she did and I was pretty excited because I loved Kie's cooking.

We ate dinner and then I played a game with the kids to help break the ice a little. The kids were finally warming up to me. I got them to school the next day and then went to workout back at Kie's home gym which had literally everything. I got an amazing workout in and then I got a call from the school saying that Liam got into a fight. I took a quick shower and drove to the school to pick him up.

He wouldn't talk to me the whole way home. He got home and went right up to his room. I gave him some space to cool off and then Kie called me. She was ready to come home and couldn't believe Liam would get in a fight. I calmed her down and promised her that I would handle everything. She relaxed and I said, "Kie, I used to be the kid in fights. I can handle this. I promise you that I'm taking care of your kids like they were my own. I won't ever let anything happen to them"

I went to talk to Liam and it turns out some kids were making fun of him because his dad left him.

"Hey, don't tell your mom this but I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself. Those kids won't mess with you anymore because they know you're tough and don't take shit from anyone" I said which caused Liam to laugh

"Yeah, but my dad still left me. Mom made him leave and sometimes I get mad at her."

"Hey, don't ever be mad at your mom for that. She loves you so much and it wasn't an easy decision for her to not be married to your dad anymore. When I was little, my mom and dad broke up too but instead of my mom doing what your mom did and making your dad leave, she left me with him and I got hurt as a kid. Your mom is protecting you and she loves you so much"

"I love her too. You had a bad dad?"

"Yeah, my dad was awful but luckily I don't see him anymore" I said and Liam hugged me

"I'm sorry you have to be part of the club now" I said and he looked confused

"It's called the the shitty father's club" I said which made him laugh

"My mom doesn't let me swear"

"Good, she's a good mom. Let's call it SFC for short"

"SFC" Liam said with a smile and then I took him out to get ice cream and showed him some ways that I cope with my anger. I showed him how I take a few deep breaths, exercise, listen to music, or go for a walk.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now