Batting practice - Mikey

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Sighing you made your way to the shrine your sister had told you about. Her dumb boyfriend had taken her somewhere and now you were being dragged along too.

You had just finished softball practice and really wanted to go home but you had to make sure she got home safe and her boyfriend was plain unreliable. When you got to the edge of the shrine you froze, not ready for the large group of gang members hanging around the area your sister was meant to be.

"Oh Hina, what the hell have you done" you said to yourself before putting your bat over your shoulder and searching for her. A few of the delinquents tried talking to you or getting your attention but you ignored them.

"Come on princess, stop and chat" one of them grabbed your arm, you turned to face them raising an eyebrow in question.

"You really think its a smart idea to irritate the girl holding a bat?"

"I don't think a sweet thing like you would hurt me" he smiled moving closer, eyes staring at your chest.

"You know what, I wont use a bat, I'll do something special for you" you smiled punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground, before him or his buddies could complain you moved on eventually spotting Hina standing with Takemichi and a few other characters.

"What do you mean by Lil Coward?" Hina asked angrily.

"Y... You've got it all wrong Hina! I don't remember anything!" Takemichi cried to Hina, the other girl started talking and you felt your own anger growing at the boy who had hurt your sister.

"He ran away just from seeing my underwear - so, he's a lil coward"

"Ohh-? So you did something like that, huh?" you could feel the rage coming off your sister and as much as you wanted to beat him up for upsetting her, you had a better idea, a slight smile coming to your face as her 'boyfriend' begged forgiveness.

"Hey Hina" you called letting her know you were there, she turned to you and her expression was scary, you handed the bat over and she smiled thanking you.

"Have fun" you smiled encouragingly as her boyfriend begged for mercy.

"Was it really necessary to give her a weapon?" someone asked coming to stand by you, it was a boy with shoulder length blonde hair the middle tied back, he was pretty cute.

"Well, he deserves to get hurt and I had a bat - Hina's not so good with her fists" she shrugged

"She's got a pretty good slap on her. She's really mad" he commented as Hina hit Takemichi again. You laughed at the thought of Hina slapping the blonde boy.

"Yuuuup, I don't blame her" he looked confused not realising what happened.

"Why did you have a bat anyways?"

"For taking care of delinquents" you joked winking at him, he laughed a little.

"Who are you?" he asked fully turning to you, his dark eyes taking in your face.

"Oh, I'm -"

"Is anyone going to stop her?" another boy asked cutting you off, he was tall with the side of his head shaved - the remaining hair pulled back into a braid. You turned back to your sister and saw that maybe he was right, Takemichi was pretty beaten.

"Guess so, I got it" walking over you grabbed the bat on Hina's next swing and wrapped your other arm around her waist holding her in place.

"Enough now you got him" you whispered in her ear, she took a shaky breath calming herself. When you thought she was fine you let her go but held onto the bat swinging it over your shoulders again. Takemichi kept trying to apologise but Hina turned and left.

"You fucked up Takemichi, good job" you said sarcastically. Turning on your heel you left to follow your sister but stopped in front of the long haired blonde.

"Your cute, it was nice to meet you" you smiled winking

"Oi, your the one who knocked out my friend!" one of the members started storming over to you. Twirling the bat you smiled at him menacingly and he paused

"Mikey, she - "

"Mikey huh? Well Mikey, I hope I get to meet you again one day" you left following your sister. The two blonde males looking at you with wide eyes.

"Ken-chin, she called me cute!" Mikey said excitedly with a wide closed eye grin.

"She's something alright" Draken said shaking his head a small smile on his lips, "Oi Takemichi, who was that?"

"That was Hina's sister Y/N" he said struggling to his feet, "she doesn't like me very much" he said wiping his nose.

"Really? We couldn't tell" Draken said sarcastically going to start the meeting. Mikey turned to the member that was yelling at the girl he just met.

"Whatever she did it's done, leave it be" he commanded. The girls face and smile sat in his mind for the whole meeting and he realised that he wanted to see her again. After the meeting he held Takemichi back,

"Do you have Y/N's number?" he asked the other boy who shuddered at her name.

"Sure but are you sure you really want it?" he asked quietly.

"Give it to me now!" he demanded excitedly causing Draken to laugh. As soon as he had the number in his phone he sent off a quick text, trying to play down his excitement.

Hey, it's Mikey

                                                                                                                                                                        Hi there Mikey
                                                                                                                                       How did you get my number?

Takemitchy gave it to me
I was wondering if you want to go and get Dorayaki tomorrow?

                                                                                                                                                           Sounds like a date ;)
                                                                                                                                               Pick me up after school? x

Mikey smiled to himself looking at the messages.

It's a date.


It's my first time doing something like this, hope you enjoyed :)

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