The mole

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"Get rid of this idiot, he doesn't know anything" you sighed in annoyance dropping the folder to the table with more force than necessary.

"It's ok, we're going to catch them" your partner squeezed your shoulder reassuringly although it was clear he was frustrated too.

"Every step we take, they're always ahead of us" you groaned, turning away from the double sided glass. In the interrogation room sat a detective and a drug runner for Bonten. When he was picked up it seemed like Bonten was loosing a valuable member but there's a reason they were so hard to catch.

The runner knew all about his area but that was it. Nothing the police didn't already know. Naotos eyes remained locked on the criminal, as if only a look would reveal the whole operation.

"Come on, we're finished for the night. He's useless" you patted his shoulder leading him away from the room. He followed rubbing his eyes, it was the end of a disappointing 10hr shift.

"Your off for a few days right?" He asked as you both reached your desks.

"Yeah family thing, I wont have my phone but I'm going to take a few files look over them at night and see if I've missed anything" you said stuffing the folders into your bag.

"You should leave them, enjoy the time with your family" Naoto scolded but you shrugged.

"I don't usually sleep anyways. These are like my bedtime stories" you joked

"Or nightmare fuel" he joked back. When you had collected all your stuff he walked you to your car.

"Drive safe ok" you squeezed his hand reassuringly, his concern for you clear.

"Thanks Naoto, I'll see you next week" you got into the car driving to the country house. A heavy sigh escaping you after a tiring week. Bonten was the criminal organisation that you and Naoto were tasked with capturing but it was like trying to catch smoke.

It took 2 hours to reach the country house. The large iron gate greeted you first, entering the code you waited for the gate to open, an excitement building in you. You hadn't been home in a while and you couldn't wait.

The large mansion came into view and you couldn't be happier. Any longer on the road and you probably would have passed out.

Grabbing your bags you dragged them into the hall, it was after midnight and the house was mostly quiet. You went to the kitchen first grabbing a glass of water and getting rid of your shoes.

"Your late" a voice spoke coming out of the darkened hall.

"Didn't get off work till 10:30, picked up some Boten thug and had to question him"

"Thanks for getting rid of him, I wish we could have killed him but -"

"It keeps me in the case" you smiled at your brother as he came over giving you a hug.

"How've you been?" You asked smiling at your older brother. Hajime smiled down at you as well

"Good, tired , seems the cops are getting closer" he sighed and you pulled away.

"Well, it's getting harder to redirect them, you guys aren't being careful anymore" you frowned and he shrugged.

"It'll be fine, you look exhausted go get some sleep and we'll talk in the morning" you nodded grabbing your bags and heading up to your room.

Your name was Y/N Kokonoi, your big brother was one of the executives of the criminal gang Bonten. During highschool when Bonten was formed it was decided that you would change your name and infiltrate the police department so you could protect your family and friends.

In the 10 years since you had risen to detective by bringing down a number of gangs in Tokyo, otherwise known as Bontens enemies.

So far your true identity hadn't been revealed.

Reaching your room you smiled seeing the outline of a man in your bed, his platinum hair reflecting the moonlight.

"Hey" you said stripping your jacket.
He briefly opened his eyes and pulled back the blanket for you. For the first time in months you slept in the same bed as your husband, wrapped in his arms.

The next morning you woke up alone, not surprising but something felt off. Climbing out of the bed quietly and grabbing your gun you snuck out of the room and through the house.

Voices carried from downstairs - voices of the Bonten executives and the voice of someone else.... Someone familiar.

"Where is she!" He demanded, you snuck down to see Naoto facing the members of Bonten with his gun drawn. None of the others had a weapon raised yet but you knew it was only a matter of time before he was killed.

You raised your gun.

"Naoto put your gun down" you spoke up, he stiffened before looking over his shoulder at you, eyes widening in disbelief at seeing your gun trained on him.

"Y/N... what are you doing? We've finally got them - help me" your heart squeezed painfully as he spoke. Knowing he was finally realising your betrayal.

"I'm so sorry, but you need to drop your gun" he spun his gun now trained on you, the others went to attack but you yelled for them to stop.

"Naoto. I can get you out of here but you need to give me the chance to help you. I'll explain, but you need to drop the gun before they kill you" you pleaded. Mikeys eyes radiating the disappointment he felt watching you.

"How long? Have you been a mole the whole time?!" Naoto demanded, voice raising.

"I won't answer until you've dropped your gun"

"I've already called for back up"

"If you don't work with me right now they'll kill your family! Hina, Takemichi - they'll die if you don't listen to me"

"Do you hear yourself?! They are your friends that your threatening" his eyes grew ever wider.

"And right now your threatening my family - my brother and my husband"

"Your married to one of those monsters?" He was suddenly slammed against the wall the force making him drop his gun. 

"Don't you ever point a gun at my wife again - I'll spare you once only because she's asking." Mikeys voice was emotionless, he punched Naoto hard enough to knock him out before turning to you.

"Thank you"

"You're far too close to him. Let's go before the rest arrive" you followed him into the basement where all the cars were. Sanzu ran to one and started it before you and Mikey had even gotten inside.

"Manjiro- what do we do now?" You asked quietly, the last 10 years off your professional life down the drain, you'd just lost your best friends. You and Mikey were married but you saw him maybe 2 months total of the whole year because of how heavily they were watched.

"Now you come home, we finally get to start our life together. I was planning to have you come back soon anyway" he answered pulling you close.

"I feel almost like strangers, I want to be your everything again" he kissed you, your body melting into him. 

"You always were" you whispered.

"You're the only one I have left. I can't loose you" he answered kissing you again.

Sanzus hands tightened on the wheel, anger raging inside of him. He didn't trust you, he did everything he could to keep Mikey safe from you and now he'd have to find a way to get you out of the picture permanently.

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