Family fued - Haitani

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"Get back here you Anabelle looking bitch!" You yelled following the braided Haitani to the kitchen.

"Language!" He yelled back.

"Japanese, I thought you knew it!" You said slamming your palms on the island separating you. Ran groaned in annoyance staring you down with a look that would intimidate most people, your arms crossed as you met his glare.

"Where can I return you?" He growled,

"No refunds, returns or exchanges, Rin would be too sad"

"I could find him another girlfriend! Someone sane this time"

"How you can't even find yourself a girl? And where's the fun in that? He loves the crazy it's apart of my appeal" you grinned widely at his furious glare, if he could have thrown you out he would have.

"He also loves me for pissing you off to no end, right baby" you turned to Rin who had entered the kitchen watching the whole argument with an amused expression.

"It's one of the many perks gorgeous, I'm looking at another two right now"

"Naughty naughty" you giggled.

"Gross" Ran gagged.

"Sush you, you're a goth pippi long stocking - maybe that's why you can't get a date"you replied thoughtfully.

Ran looked over you to his brother.

"Deal with her before I kill her" he demanded.
Rin laughed before opening his arms

"Please without your batton you can't do shit and ahh -" you pulled the batton from your waistband.
"I have claimed this now" you taunted him. He looked at you with a murderous gaze,

"Come here baby, you win today" Rin said grabbing your wrist and pulling you to him. He kissed your pout as he took the batton away, returning it to his brother.

"She did not" Ran argued.

"Actually she did - enjoy your walk grumpy" you called cuddling into Rin. Whenever you two had a little spat he would leave for a smoke, while you were sure that deep down he loved you - you also thought that one day you might be on the receiving end of that batton - and still you pushed.

"You shouldn't poke at him so much, what was that about anyway?" Rin advised

"He'll be fine and he took the last snacks" You smiled kissing Rindo. He shook his head leading you back to the lounge-room to watch a movie. Ran returned not long after throwing a bag of chips at you as he sat down. You grinned widely seeing the chips were your favourite type.

"See I knew you loved me" you grinned offering him a few, Rin chuckled also taking some when you offered.

"Shut it pip-squeak" was all Ran could say but you saw the affectionate way he looked at you and Rin. Like it or not, you were family now and you couldn't be happier.

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