Twin Trap - Part 5

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I felt like I was floating, my body weightless in the darkness. It was dark as far as I could see, the endless oblivion didn't unsettle me like it should, instead it called to me, offering an end to the darkness, an end to the silence.

I briefly thought about letting it take me but something wouldn't let me, some small part telling me to fight - that there was somewhere I needed to be or people that needed me.

I couldn't remember anything more than the feeling, but it was the only thing I clung to, slowly pulling me closer to the surface. Never close enough to break through.

The battle had ended in one death and a near death Y/N Haitani had been rushed to hospital in severe condition.

She had coded on the way but they were able to bring her back. Her brothers paced the waiting room until they collapsed from their own injuries.

Their sister Sam demanded they keep all three in the same room. Angry held her as she cried and worried for her siblings.

When the brothers woke they were told of Y/N's condition, she had fallen into a coma and they weren't able to wake her.

Nahoya couldn't enter the room. He felt responsible, how could he check in on her when he was the reason she was there?

She never would have fought if he hadn't been injured. Sam tried to convince him otherwise but he just waited outside, passing flowers to Sam to place by her bed.

Her brothers were only in for a day before being discharged but they never left, they refused to leave their sister while she fought for her life. Telling and retelling her stories from her childhood she probably didn't remember.

Her room was soon full of stuffies and teddys and fluffy blankets that she loved. Everyone had come to visit regardless of what side they were on, she was loved by so many but her condition never changed.

It had been a month when Ran walked out of the room standing before Smiley who sat outside the door.

"Get up" he said emotionlessly. Nahoya looked up at him in question, he hadn't smiled since he found out about Y/N. When he didn't answer Ran grabbed his shirt lifting and shoving him harshly against the wall, an action contradicting his calm demeanour.

"I said get up, my sister was there for you, she fought for you. She liked you and she would never go for a little bitch so stop acting like one and go see her" he dropped the boy shoving him towards the door.

"Rindou and I have business to attend to, if we find out you left her alone - I'll kill you myself" Nahoya nodded finally entering the room. She slept peacefully on her bed, if you removed all the tubes she could be just sleeping in her own bed. Her bruises had now faded and she looked perfectly healthy.

The doctors hadn't been able to figure out why she wasn't waking up, nothing they tried seemed to work.

Nahoya walked to her bedside taking a seat and holding her hand.

"Hey, I'm sorry it took me so long to see you, I really miss you, ya know" he began, he talked to her for hours pouring his heart out but she never responded. He felt tears run down his cheeks, why? Why couldn't she just wake up?

Why couldn't she tell him how she felt earlier?

Why couldn't he?

He remembered the day they got the call, the fight had been going for a while when Sam received Souya's call. For a few moments there was only silence and she shouted in a panic, Nahoya tried to calm her until he heard your voice - you sounded so weak.

He had frozen knowing you were hurt, Sam tried to get more information, his eyes met Sam's as your confession came out, you liked him, you had liked him back but it was too late.

You'd told them your goodbyes, Sam desperately tried to convince you to hold on but you soon stopped replying. Ran taking over as he demanded an ambulance, Rindou in the background begging you to stay with them.

It echoed in his mind every night, he often woke up screaming your name. He wondered if death would have been better. Instead they sat in this strange limbo, not knowing what would happen next.

The Haitani brothers practically lived at the hospital now, rarely leaving and refusing to let Sam stay. They wanted her to try and have a life but she was like a zombie, missing her other half. Souya didn't know what to do but he tried to distract her however he could.

Nahoya sat with her brothers everyday hearing the stories they would tell. Silly stupid stories of their delinquent days, stories of the girls when they were little. How your parents had tried to separate you and Sam from them but you threw the biggest tantrum ever and kept sending the boys every new address and phone  number.

They started opening up to Nahoya, accepting him.

It had been over 3 months when Ran kicked everyone out. He was tired of seeing everyone acting like the dead.

He forced Rindou to go out on a date, told Souya to take Sam out somewhere and made Nahoya's friends get him. He alone sat next to your bed talking to you.

"your being a bit selfish little sister, everyone's walking around like Zombies and living out of this hospital just waiting for you to wake up" he held your hand as he spoke, staring at the far wall.

"I made Rindou go out with some girl that's been chasing him, you should have seen him squirm. She's pretty though. Sam's out with her boyfriend, as much as I hate to say it, you two picked some good guys. Yours is waiting for you, he's in here everyday. Looks guilty as hell but I suppose if he takes the blame then I should to. I'm the one that smacked him, all little choices that led to this" he sighed looking over at you. His eyes widened when he saw your eyes flutter, your fingers twitching in his hand.


"Come on little sister, come back please"

"I've got you"

Your eyes slowly opened squinting against the light, trying to get your bearings. When you saw Ran a small smile came to you.

"Hey big brother, thanks for not giving up on me" you said quietly. He pulled out his phone but you squeezed his hand, he looked at you confused.

"You already said I've been selfish and taken so much of their time, let them enjoy themselves for one day" your voice was hoarse, but it sounded like music to his ears.

"I only said that so you'd wake up" he smiled brushing your hair behind your ear.

"I'm going to get a doctor, don't go back to sleep ok?" You nodded and he left soon returning with doctors. They checked you over pleased to finally see you awake.

Once they left you and Ran talked about all the things you had missed, that was until the door slammed open making you jump.

Nahoya stood there eyes wide, breathing heavily like he had just run a mile.

"Your.... Awake..." he said still not believing his eyes. Ran smiled lazily, he had texted Nahoya that you were awake but told him to keep it quiet until you were ready.

You smiled at him and he ran to you taking your face in his hands and kissing you. Although surprised you kissed him back, forgetting your brother was in the room until he cleared his throat. The kiss broke but Nahoya held his forehead to yours.

"Don't ever do that again" he breathed, breathless from running and kissing you, you gave a small laugh.

"I'll try"

"Seconded, no more comas and no more kissing in front of your bother" Ran piped in, with a smile you threw your pillow at him.

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