Beach Trip

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"Mikey did you seriously not fuel up your damn scooter?" you groaned as everyone pulled to a stop for him. You were sitting behind Draken and listening as everyone argued with the short blonde.
You were heading out to the beach today and had spent most of the trip asleep on the back of Draken's bike only woken when the boys stopped and started bickering.

"It's not a scooter it's my precious CB250t 50cc Model Street Hawk, Toman's in some serious shit now!" he started muttering, you ignored him enjoying the sun, only tuning back in when Baji started complaining. You tapped Draken on the shoulder, he told you that Baji was going to take the moped for fuel knowing you hadn't paid attention.
"Alone?" you questioned and Draken shrugged,
"None of us are going, he'll be fine don't worry" he said excited for the beach, you sighed jumping off his bike.

"Where are you going?" he questioned and you pointed to Baji who had already started walking.
"I feel bad for him, we'll catch up with you guys later" you waved already walking away. Draken turned and saw Mikey staring after you looking annoyed, he wished you two would just get along already.

"God damn It! Why do I gotta put up with this?! Mikey you dumbass!"
"Wow, is Baji Katsuki actually cursing out his fearless leader?" you joked coming up beside him.
"What are you doing Y/N? It's going to be a long walk and it's hot, go join the others at the beach" he tried but you just shrugged unbothered.
"Any excuse to get away from Mikey" you replied and he laughed.
"Do you really hate him?" Baji asked, he had a feeling their commander felt something for you but the boy couldn't quite understand yet, he wondered if you felt something similar.
"I don't know if hate is the right word, that could get me in trouble seeing as you all love him" you pulled a face getting another laugh from Baji.
"I don't see what the rest of you see in him, I think he's an annoying idiot but I guess he's not as bad as he used to be" you said with a hand on the back of your neck.
"Well, I can agree on the annoying part" Baji sighed,
"I don't understand why he -" Baji started but he was cut off by strangers.

"Oh! What's this?!"
"It's one of those little lame-asses from before!" you turned to see a gang coming up to you both, you looked to Baji confused.
"They're the assholes from earlier" Baji explained with a grin but you were still confused,
"I don't remember I was asleep" you yawned dropping your shoulders and not really worrying about the group.
"We said we'd torch your bikes if we saw you again didn't we?" one of them yelled and you winced at his volume.

"Too loud" you wined holding your ears.

"Oh and who's this? I didn't see this cutie before" one of them grinned trying to step towards you.
"Back off pizza face, you have your entire lives to be jerks, why not take a day off" you growled with a disgusted face.

"I think we might need to teach her some manners first" another said with eyes on you. You groaned in annoyance.
"It's too hot to fight" you said pulling your hair tie off your wrist and tying back your hair. You were outnumbered but Baji was a good fighter and so were you. Kenny had been training you for years and now you were almost as strong as he is. The gang tried to separate the two of you but you stayed together protecting each other as much as you could. Both had a few bruises from the gang landing lucky hits but you and Baji were still coming out on top.

One of the guys went for Mikey's moped with a bat, your legs were moving before you even knew what you was doing and felt the bat smash into your back ripping a scream from you as you fell to your knees pain raidiating throughout your bones and muscles, tears filling your eyes. Baji quickly ran over covering you as you leaned against the moped
"You kiddin me?"

"You fuckers" you gritted your teeth pulling yourself back to your feet but swaying slightly,
'What the hell was I thinking', your back was aching and sending pulsing pain though out your body but you couldn't leave Baji alone to fight.
"Touch her again or Mikey's precious ride and you're dead!" Baji threatened, as they rallied to tear the bike and the two of you to pieces.
"Hey" a voice interrupted, and everyone turned to the new voice.
"Huh? It's that kid..."
"Some more trash rolled in."

"I forgot my swim trunks" he smiled; Baji just looked at him in surprise. Surprise which grew when Mikey kicked his bike away. Your jaw dropped along with everyone else's, your shock quickly turning to anger. You had protected his bike with your own body! Only for him to trash it himself – 'that's it I'm going to kill the brat' you seethed.

"Hey assholes, why the hell did you hurt what's important to me?!!" Mikey growled, his eyes running over you at the word important. For a second you wondered if he was talking about you and you felt your cheeks heat. 'Damn it Sano.'
"But you did that to your own moped!!" the gang argued as Mikey kicked one in the face sending him flying. You hadn't seen Mikey fight before and were amazed at his power, one kick and the leader of the other gang was completely unconscious.

"Y/N, Baji, you're not too hurt are you?" Baji got up standing by Mikey as you stayed back a little struggling to stay upright.
"I'm fine" you lied
"I'm sorry that you sacrificed yourself over something like that" Mikey said to you and your eyes widened. You could count on one hand the amount of times Mikey had genuinely apologised to you. There was something about the way he was looking at you that made your heart pound faster, you gave him a small smile.
"Baji you can stand right? Cause we're gonna slaughter 'em all!" Mikey grinned and Baji joined him.
"Y/N you stay there, we've got this" he promised you with a wide grin. Knowing they could take care of everything you backed away finding a wall to lean against and sliding down your body finally caving to the pain.

After a while your eyes fluttered open and you realised you were on the beach under an umbrella, you tried to sit up but groaned in pain and laid back down.
"You need to be careful, your back is pretty bruised" a voice beside you said, peaking through your lashes you saw Mikey looking out at the ocean.
"Were you being a perve now?" you questioned; you couldn't see his face but just knew he was rolling his eyes.
"Ken-chin had a look and told me, he wasn't happy"
"Yeah neither was I, where is he anyway?"
"In the water, I told him I would look after you since you getting hurt was my fault. Now your awake I should probably go get him."
"No, leave him to have some fun, you should go too. I'll be fine Mikey" you heard a small laugh from him.
"You rarely call me Mikey" he said with a slight smile but it soon fell.
"You tell everyone you don't like me but you put yourself in danger to protect my bike" he seemed unsure what to say next.
"I knew it was important to you" you replied and a quiet settled over you both.
"We're not really friends Mikey but you are important to my brother and friends, so I guess that makes you somewhat important to me. I don't like seeing you sad, it's not you" you felt her cheeks warming up but kept your eyes closed not wanting to look at him.
"I hope we can be friends" Mikey said quietly, "and please don't put yourself in danger again, I promise that I'll always come to protect you, so just wait for me, ok?" a small smile grew on your face, he had your heart fluttering again.
"I can't promise not to put myself in danger but thank you, you know your not so bad Mikey" you peaked up at him to see he was smiling too.

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