Wedding Bells - Mitsuya

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You entered the shop and couldn't help but admire the décor, the fabrics and photos that scattered around the room. You knew that he was one of the best designers in Japan and his boutique really confirmed it.

"Good morning, you must be Y/N" a voice said behind you. You turned to see a handsome man with lilac hair dressed stylishly. You felt very underdressed as you shook his hand.

"Hi, you must be Mr Mitsuya" he smiled showing you to his design space in the back. He took a measuring tape out and instructed you on where to stand.

"I know my mother in law gave you some designs as inspiration but I was hoping we could make some adjustments" you said nervously picking at your nails.

"Of course it's your wedding day" he smiled comfortingly, for someone so high end and elusive he had a rather calming energy.

You grabbed the folder from your bag and presented it to him, he took the folder and then seemed rather confused on seeing the pictures.

"That's my Fiancé and his mistress. I just found out and I want to make a statement, call me dramatic but he and his family have always treated me like trash. They say I'm not good enough but he hasn't been a very good partner. Something I realised recently" you started to ramble but looking into his eyes you felt yourself become grounded again.

"I want to make a dress covered in these, show the whole family and everyone attending what kind of person he really is"

He flicked through the pictures stopping on a few for a short while.

"Did he do this to you?" He asked lowly.

"He was correcting me" you said quietly, watching his reaction. A quiet rage on his face.

"Will you help me, please?"

"Let's do it" he smiled.

Over the next few months you were in the boutique constantly, partially because of the dress but mostly because you enjoyed being around him and he seemed to enjoy having you there.

You'd always had an interest in fashion and he was now showing you how the dress was being put together, two dresses were made - one for the mother-in-law to see and approve the other being the real dress.

The real dress had a fake layer that made it look like the requested dress - it was a layer that could easily be removed right before walking down the isle. The photos you had provided where printed in colour on the fabric, on your back was a large photo of him kissing his mistress, on your front photos of the bruising on your face from his 'corrections'.

You looked at the dress in awe, it would tear him to pieces while making you look amazing.

"This is incredible" you said stunned, the dress fit you perfectly and he showed you how to remove the top layer. Tears welled in your eyes and he looked startled and then concerned.

"Is something wrong?" he asked squeezing your hand, you turned to look at him with a smile.

"No Takashi, they are happy tears, I'm finally going to be free - they can't destroy me or hide the evidence against him this time. You know I also have a slideshow that will play, it includes a voice over of him screaming at me and saying all the vile things he usually does - I feel like I'm going to be okay, for the first time in a long time" tears streamed down your face but you didn't dare let them touch the dress.

Mitsuya looked at you in awe, he couldn't deny that he had fallen for you but he wouldn't act on that - right now you needed a friend and that was exactly what he would be.

"Come on, let's get you changed, big day tomorrow" He grinned, you felt so thankful that he had agreed to attend the wedding with you, the two of you even devised a plan for the dress reveal.

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