Meeting the Twins

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Walking around you smiled looking into your shopping bags, you had managed to find presents for Mikey, Emma and Draken covering all their upcoming birthdays. You were practically skipping after the energy drinks and happy mood when you heard grunts from down the alleyway you were passing. You stopped looking down and seeing 3 boys ganging up on a boy with blue hair. Rolling your eyes you started down the alley ready to give them all a piece of your mind.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" you demanded bringing all their attention to you.

"Keep walking bitch this doesn't concern you" one of them yelled and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance, placing your bags down carefully you walked closer stepping in front of the blue haired boy who was looking at you with wide eyes.

"It concerns me when a bunch of losers are ganging up on someone" your tone was cold until you turned to face the boy behind you,

"Are you ok?" you asked him gently, he was looking at you in shock but when you raised an eyebrow he finally nodded.

"Good" you gave him a kind smile before turning to face the others.

"Shoo" you commanded and they laughed at you, you joined in laughing along and confusing them before punching the closest one in the face. He fell to the ground crying out and holding his nose shocking everyone - you knew his nose was broken, you'd felt it shatter beneath your fist.

"So who's next?" you grinned, the other two shared a look before turning back and advancing on you. You saw it as the perfect opportunity to test out the new technique Mikey had been teaching you. Planting one foot, you brought up the other with all your strength kicking one of them in the head and taking him straight to the ground. He hit the ground hard and didn't get back up causing your grin to widen, you jumped around clapping your hands.
"I can't believe that worked!" you shouted in joy before turning to the remaining boy, he tried to throw a punch but you easily blocked it kicking his legs out from beneath him and then sitting on top of him and punching him in the face until it was swollen.

"Today has been a good day" you said to yourself, getting back to your feet you turned to the blue haired boy who honestly looked shocked and a little angry. You held your hand out to him and when he took it you helped him to his feet. When he was standing you realised he was significantly taller than you and the way he looked at you was like he was staring into your soul.

With a slight blush on your face you reached up and touched the side of his face, frowning as you pulled away fingers coated in blood.

"We need to get that cleaned up, come on" you smiled leading him out of the alley and grabbing your bags along the way, you tried to carry them but he quickly took them from you saying it was the least he could do.

You lead him to a nearby store instructing him to sit outside while you ran in for a first aid kit, you briefly wondered if he would steal your bags but knew you would hunt him down if he was stupid enough to try.

When you came back out you saw him sitting where you had left him with dropping eyes. You sat beside him and started cleaning his wounds.

"I'm Angry" he said quietly, trying not to wince when you drabbed the alcohol wipe against his temple.

"I would be to, but that's ok you'll get them back" you tried to smile reassuringly and he chuckled.

"My name is Angry" your mouth opened in the shape of an O

"Sorry, not a very common name that one, I'm Y/N" you giggled. While you cleaned him up you found out that he and his brother ran a gang around here called the Twin Devils Gang, he'd been caught off guard by the guys earlier when they hit him over the back of the head.

"You know, I think I've heard of you two, Angry and Smiley right?" he looked at you surprised and nodded.

"Man, I've heard some stories about you two, those guys got off lucky today" it was true , these guys were known for being crazy good at fighting, apparently the brother always fought with a smile on his face.

Angry stayed quiet after that until you finally finished cleaning him up,

"All done but you should probably see a doctor, make sure they didn't do any damage" you smiled at him again and his lips briefly tipped up.

"By the way where did you learn to kick like that?" he asked you and you grinned proudly, for a moment he found himself reminded of his brothers sadistic grin.

"My brother taught me, he and my older brother wanted to make sure I could always protect myself because I tend to get myself into 'bad situations'" you air quoted the last two words and another small smile graced his face. He understood that, you hadn't even hesitated to help him.

"Where do you live? We need to get you home" you said watching him sway a little.

"My brothers coming, I called him when you were in the shop. He'll take me home" Angry said but you looked at him concerned,

"I think we should take you to the hospital first" you stood trying to get him to follow your finger. Soon after his brother appeared with peach hair and a large grin on his face, the grin made you slightly nervous and you realised this is what other people must see when you grin in a fight.

"H-hi" you stuttered,

"You helped him?" he asked looking to his brother and you nodded.

"Yeah but he needs a doctor" the other boy nodded and helped his brother up. Before they left you ran over taking Angry's phone and inputting your number.

A few days later you got a call from the twins, they wanted to treat you to lunch for protecting Angry, otherwise known as Souya you found out. Honestly you hadn't been able to get the blue haired boy out of your mind.

You hadn't told Mikey who you were meeting and he was devastated when you wouldn't let him stay and join you for lunch after he dropped you off.

As you sat with the twins you realised how much you brother would like them and how much they would fit it with your other friends.

"Come meet my brother and my friends" you grinned

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Souya asked nervously

"Yeah, why not, I like you guys and I think they would to"

With some convinsing on your end you took them to meet Toman. When you arrived on the back of Souya's bike Mikey, Draken, Baji and Mitsuya looked over to you with varying looks of surprise. Nahoya and Soya stared at them unflinching and looked fight ready, so you smacked them both on the back of the head, they turned to you in shock and you scolded them.

"Play nice, I didn't bring you here to fight. If you start anything I will kick your asses myself" you warned walking forward to your brother and friends.

"Who are they?" Mikey demanded as you reached them giving all the boys a greeting hug.

"Mikey be nice, This is Angry and Smiley from the Twin Devils Gang in Meguro, I met them a little while ago and thought you would all get along" you leaned into Mikey's ear "play nice" you warned him and he rolled his eyes.

The twins quickly realised how important you were to this gang, they were all watching the two outsiders looking ready to brawl, the look disappeared as soon as you gave them a warning glare.

"So you're the captains of Toman huh?" Smiley asked Mikey with a smile but his voice conveyed a challenge and you groaned.

"You're the one who taught Y/N to fight?" Souya asked Mikey interrupting the tension between your brother and his.

"Yeah, she's my little sister I wanted to make sure she could always protect herself"

"You did a great job, she's incredible" you blushed heavily at the compliment, something Baji was of course quick to pick up on.

"Aw Mikey, looks like little Y/N has a crush" he pinched your red cheeks making them go even brighter with the added embarrassment. Souya also had a faint blush on his cheek while Draken laughed at the situation and Mikey looked at you with wide, unbelieving eyes.

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