Jumpscare - Haitani Brothers

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You were sitting in bed reading and watching as Rindou played the latest horror game.

The game was intense, he was practically sweating, often screaming at the jump scares. You just sat quietly watching and laughing. For someone who was regularly fighting people and enjoyed breaking bones he could be such a scaredy-cat.

Soon the door opened and Ran walked in, half asleep and looking like a ghost or the grudge with his pale skin, long white robe and hair falling into his face.

He was clearly half asleep using all his willpower to make it over to Rindo, most likely to ask for his hair to be braided. He was so focused and out of it he didn't see you on the bed, but you could see what was about to happen.

Quietly you pulled out your phone recording the brothers, Rin was visibly scared nearly at another jump scare no doubt.

Ran without a word place his hand on Rindou's shoulder at the same moment as the jump-scare making him scream, when his eyes flicked over and saw you on the bed he swing his fist around spinning on the spot and smashing Ran in the face.

Ran instantly fell to the ground KO'D.

You were howling with laughter while Rindou was freaking the fuck out and calling out to his brother to get him up.

"Did you knock him out?!" You wheezed through your laughter barely able to see through the tears in your eyes.

"It's not funny!" He shouted but you disagreed holding your sides because they hurt from how much you were laughing.

"Y/N!" He shouted looking frantic.

"Okay, okay" you tried to control yourself wiping your tears.

"Put him on the bed, with a hit like that he'll be out for a little while" still panicking he picked up his brother and put him on the bed.

"What now?" Rindou stared at you while you inspected Ran.

"He's fine nothing broken, go get some ice please"he nodded running off as you continued to inspect Rans face. He was going to have a lovely bruise soon.

Rindou returned and gave you the ice before you instructed him to go and get food. He was hesitant to leave but it was better he not be here when Ran wakes up.

After about 10 min Ran started to stir.

"Good morning sunshine" you said cheerfully, he looked at you and around the room confused.

"N/N? What happened?" He asked groggily.

"You were so tired you just up and passed out, now look at me" his eyes looked fine.

"Oh okay.... Where's Rin? And why is my head killing me?"

"Getting us food and some painkillers, are you hungry?" He nodded still very confused. You helped him to the kitchen and grabbed him some water.

"Can you do my hair please?" He asked and you nodded braiding his hair and earning yourself a smile as you both made random small talk.

Rin walked in shortly after, shoving the food on the table and running to his confused brother to apologise.

You took your food and sat on the couch while they worked their shit out.

Eventually they both joined you on the couch with their own food.

"All good?" You asked and they nodded, no one seemed seriously injured so you smiled pulling out your phone.

"Wanna see the video?"


"You knew and you didn't give me warning!" They both yelled at you, you shrugged and watched the video yourself, hearing Rindou's high pitched scream, Ran hit the floor like a ton of bricks and you laughing hysterically.

"Gotta admit it's funny, look how high you jumped!" Ran laughed peering over your shoulder.

"Shut up" Rindou growled watching from the other side.

"You shut up, just be thankful it was me and not Y/N you knocked out" Ran scolded.

"Wouldn't have happened to me" you commented.

"Oh yeah why not?" Ran asked with a raised brow.

"Cause I would have thrown something from a distance" you laughed.

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