The Baker - Mikey

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The bell to the pastry shop dinged gaining the bakers attention.

Quickly pulling the Dorayaki out from the oven she walked back to the front of shop seeing a tired looking man at the counter. His short platinum hair reflecting the lights of the shop,

"Good morning" she said with a smile, his eyes raised to her and she noted how tired he looked, his under eyes a dark shade. His black eyes looking bored and disinterested,

"What can I get for you?" she asked kindly watching as his eyes moved back to the pastry display case.

"There's no dorayaki?" he stated sounding disappointed. That was just his luck, walking into the only pastry shop in the area and they wouldn't have the only thing he was craving.

"Hold on 2 seconds" she smiled before disappearing into the back of the shop, after a few moments she came out holding a cardboard box and placed in on the counter between them.

"They're fresh out of the oven, so you'll have to be careful there hot" she smiled pushing the box towards him.

"How much?" he asked looking her over again, she seemed genuinely kind, a sweet smile, bright eyes and a beautiful face.

"On the house, it looks like you've had a rough night" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you telling me I look bad?" he questioned and her face fell as she quickly started speaking.

"No, no of course not, your very attractive, you just look a little tired was all I meant! I'm so sorry!" she ran a hand through her hair, his eyes following her movements - she looked like she wanted to shrink away and hide.

"It's fine, thank you for the Dorayaki" he smiled briefly before taking the snacks and leaving, he was used to getting things for free but it was never usually out of kindness - it was always out of fear.

Her breath caught when he left the room, his daunting aura leaving with him. Note to self, don't insult the hot scary guy.

It was a few days before the platinum haired boy returned to the shop, he enjoyed the treats they had bought especially as they were fresh. Walking in he saw the same girl working behind the counter, fluttering around the space cleaning and making coffee's. It wasn't very busy inside but the people looked content in the homey space.

"Hello again" She smiled looking up at him, he felt a small smile on his lips.


"Dorayaki again?" he raised an eyebrow, surprised she even remembered his order.

"You remember?" a grin spread across her face.

"Of course, your hard to forget" she laughed a little before disappearing behind the counter, "How many would you like today?"

"12 please" she made a sound of confirmation before returning to his line of view, box of pastries in her hand.

"Here you go" she handed the box over, secretly studying his features.

"How much?" he tried but she waved his card away.

"How do you expect to run a business if you keep turning away money?" he watched her eyes widen a fraction before shaking her head.

"Not everyone gets their treats for free" she said shocking him for a moment, he was about to continue talking to her but his phone rang, looking at the caller ID he saw Sanzu's name and sighed in annoyance. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill leaving it in the tip jar. Briefly he saw her eyes widen before he turned walking out of the shop and with his phone to his ear. 

Before he could get two steps away from the shop door, the girl ran out grabbing his arm he looked at her in surprise as she put something inside inside his jacket pocket, tapping it for good measure before walking inside.

"Mikey, you there?" Sanzu asked,

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way be there soon" he said getting into the car, he checked his pocket seeing a piece of paper holding a smiley face and her name.

Mikey visited the shop every day after that, she let him start paying for his pastries and they had small conversations usually interrupted by his phone ringing.

It had been 3 months since the Mikey had first started visiting the store and today was the day she had to tell him the sad truth.

"You wont be able to come in anymore after next week" she said quietly, he stopped eating with the snack half way to his mouth, eyes flicking up to her.


"I have to close the shop, business just isn't good" she shrugged sadly.

"Then shouldn't you have made me pay for my snacks?" he put his food down grabbing his wallet. She stopped him by grabbing his arm

"Please don't, I knew the shop would be shutting and you looked like you needed some kindness" she squeezed his arm gently before pulling away.

"aren't you sad?" he seemed confused.

"Not really, I had a good run here, I wish it could have been more successful yes but I think it's time I start something different you know? I was worrying about this place for such a long time. I don't have to anymore"

"Come work for me" he said surprising them both.

"I'm sorry?"

"I like your cooking and am usually too busy or lazy to cook for myself so come and be the personal chef for me. Accommodation will be provided and a good pay"

"you don't even know me?"

"I don't care, here's my number if you would like to take me up on the offer call me"

After a lot of debate she finally decided to take the job. He'd come in everyday right up until she closed the shop asking about his offer. On the last day he told her the wage and despite being unsure she felt drawn to the boy and wasn't ready to stop seeing him, the wage wasn't something to look past either.

The first day on the job she was standing in the kitchen chopping away at the veggies for the soup she was making. The door opened and she briefly looked up before returning to the task at hand.

"Who the fuck are you?" someone demanded, she turned to see a guy with a pink mullet and scars by his mouth aiming a gun at her head. Her grip tightened on her knife behind her back.

"Saznu drop the gun I hired her" Mikey said walking into the room and glaring at Sanzu, he shot a look to Mikey before lowering his weapon.

"What for boss?

"She's my personal chef" Mikey said with a smile, coming over to smell the meal she were cooking. "Smells delicious" he smiled at her, she returned the smile before turning to glare at Sanzu.

"For future reference, I work in the kitchen with a lot of large knives" she pulled out the one behind her back for emphasis.

"Next time you aim a gun at me, I will not hesitate to cut your hand or other extremities off and feed them to you" she warned causing Mikey to laugh.

"You know Boss, I think I like this one" 

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