Twin Trap - Part 4

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TW- Angst, violence

You took a deep breath standing beside Angry and Hakkai. Sam was with Smiley and Mitsuya in the hospital, you had opted to take Smileys place against Tenjiku - you couldn't stay by him the guilt eating away at you.

"N/N" you turned to see Ran and Rindou walking towards you.
Ran looked normal but you could see the anger in his eyes. You had never been on opposing sides before.
"What are you doing here little sister?" He stopped in front of you, issuing his authoritive big brother voice and making you feel small.

"I've temporarily joined Toman" you announced to them and they shared a look.

"Why?" Rindou asked looking over the small group of Toman members,

"They're going to loose" he stated. He showed even less emotion than Ran but the disappointment was clear.

"I'm fighting in Smileys place, someone hit him and Mitsuya in the head with bricks" you hissed annoyed, they didn't give anything away.

"How could you? You knew that Souya and Sam were together and that I-" you caught yourself.

"You what little sister? We didn't beat up Sam's boyfriend because of her, we beat up the next best thing, his brother, there was no claim against him" Rindou grinned, Angry stood not far from you getting more and more upset but he let you deal with your brothers - for now.

"When this is over you are coming with me to the hospital and you are going to apologise to Mitsuya and Nahoya do you understand me" you scolded your brothers, they shared a look before turning back to you.

"Fine, we'll do that if Toman wins, if they loose your coming back home with us and won't spend any more time with these losers" Ran told you, you narrowed your eyes.

Your brothers had always been protective but had never gone to the extent of telling you who you could and couldn't hang out with, but then again you had always agreed with them in the past - none of you would have ever imagined you fighting against them.

"What about Sam?" You asked

"She'll have the choice seeing as she's already in deep" Ran shrugged but you could tell he wasn't happy about it.

"Deal" you shook your brothers hand, at least this way if you won, they could try to make peace and if you lost Sam could still have her boyfriend and a new safer family.

You looked at Ran as you shook his hand, neither of you wanted to fight the other - you had never seriously sparred, only when he was training you but neither of you would back down.

"She won't be fighting you" Angry came up to your side and you looked at him in confusion

"I appreciate you doing this for Smiley, but taking your brothers on is our job - you help the rest of Toman" Angry put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. You looked to your brothers and nodded, they did as well.

"No one kill anyone do you all understand, I know your all mad but think about Sam" You looked at the 4 boys around you, feeling the building tension.

"Your lucky you have her on your side, it might give you a slight chance, but just remember who trained her" Ran winked leaning close to Angry, you pushed him back.

"Sam" you reminded him before walking away, the further you fought from your brothers the better.

Tenjiku members were tough but they were still falling around you, your knuckles were split, bruises and bloodied but you felt energised.

Looking over you saw Angry and Hakkai fighting hard against your brothers, you watched as Angry cried then went nuts and took your brothers down.

Eyes wide you made your way over to them checking their pulse, still alive but knocked out.

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