Missing Part 1 - Mikey

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***A/N - this one is a bit long and dark, it was apart of a full story I was writing but then it didn't work but I still liked it. If you struggle with depression or thoughts of suicide this 3 part may not be suitable. Please remember you are important and loved and the world is a better place with you around ❤️***

TW - Suicide, depression

"What happened this time?" a voice carried to him, he turned to see Y/N standing behind him with a sad smile. Takemichi just shook his head unable to voice it.

"Let me guess, I died again?" he nodded slowly.

"Come on might as well tell me, I deserve to know" she said taking a seat beside him on the grass, they silently watched the river for a few moments.

"You died, you were shot in front of Mikey after you tried to reconcile with him. He held you as you died" she nodded.

"What else?" she pressed he looked at her surprised.

"Come on man, I know you better than that, what else happened?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes" Takemichi sighed.

"I found you in the future, you had never quite moved on from Mikey - you said you dated a little here and there but could never commit to them. You looked for him but never found him, when I showed up you tried to contact him again. It was the 12th anniversary of your break-up, you texted me that he found you and you were going to talk. Next thing I know Mikey is standing at my door, he punched me really hard" he gave a small humourless laugh.

"Mikey told me that you were miserable, demanded I tell him everything. I told him I could come back and save you, he asked me if I could fix the two of you" she gasped, "I know what he's doing at the moment hurts but in his mind he's protecting you, he never stopped loving you either - he thinks I'm doomed to fix you guys" Takemichi turned to look at her, there were tears running down her face but she didn't make a sound- she cried silently for a while. Takemichi wasn't really sure what to do here but he eventually wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm going to fix it all I promise" he whispered to her.

"No, I don't think that you can" she said quietly pulling away from him, "I need to think about a few things but if we are going to change the future again, don't focus on me. We save Hina and we save Mikey, they are the focus" she nodded to herself as if confirming it.

"I'm going to save you too" Takemichi said quickly trying to grab y/n's retreating figure.

"I don't think so" She gave him one last sad smile before walking away leaving Takemichi concerned - what is she going to do?

It had been two days and no-one had seen Y/N, Draken was trying to call her and growled in annoyance when it went to voicemail again.

"God damnit! She's still not answering her phone" he yelled. Mikey stayed silent looking at his hands while Emma did her best to comfort Draken.

"I'm sure she's ok, she's just -" she looked to her brother with a frown "- struggling right now, Mikey maybe if you-"

"Don't Emma, I'm not calling her. She needs to get away from me, for her own good"

"She wouldn't agree with that" Emma said quietly but Mikey shook his head jumping to his feet and walking away.

Things had been tense ever since Y/N and Mikey broke up. Draken was stuck between mad that Mikey broke his sisters heart but sad that his best friend was hurting too. He knew why Mikey had done it and while part of him agreed, a bigger part wanted them both to be happy. He wanted to see Mikey's smile again.

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