Home Late - Mikey - Part 1

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*** not my artwork - credit to the artist*** 

You dropped your chin into your palm in annoyance. A huff escaping your lips.

Side eyeing the body that laid on the floor only feet from you, this was all their fault.

Koko had sent you on a mission, it was supposed to be simple. Get in, get out, scout the new location and be home at base for dinner.

Instead you were stuck in a warehouse with limited ammo, no phone, and enemies surrounding you.

The asshole that was with you as back up turned out to be a traitor, a rat leading you into a trap. By the time you realised what was happening it was too late, at least he was dead now.

The useless idiot dropped his gun outside but he'd made a good shield, his body now riddled with bullet holes.

You thought through your options, your phone was broken from a stray bullet, he hadn't brought his - most likely so he couldn't be followed by Boten.

You were in a shoebox of an office with no windows, one door and no other possible exists. When you left you were going straight through that door and into a warehouse full of a rival gang.

"You should be grateful you died quickly, the others would have skinned you alive" you growled in annoyance. In your brief headcount under fire you realised you were outnumbered, you knew it - they knew it.

The only reason the enemy wasn't breaking down the door was because they had you surrounded, it was easier to leave you locked inside a box instead of transporting you - at least for now.

They were going to use you for some kind of message but you weren't going to go quietly.

You wondered if this would be the time you failed, the time you didn't make it home. You were due back over an hour ago, surely they had noticed you missing by now.

You thought about him, you had never failed him before. You met every deadline, never questioned him or his commands, you had followed him since your days in Toman.

Whenever you looked to the future he was always there but suddenly that future seemed a lot darker. You looked at the tattoo on your wrist that tied you to him, to your found family.

"I hope I can see you all again" you sighed, looking for any possible way to create more weapons.

The executives sat around the table an anxious energy in the air. You weren't home yet, it should have been an easy task so where were you?

If you were late you always texted someone, but even then it was such a rare occurrence the others were put on edge.

Mikey had been locked away all day dealing with his own business, they weren't looking forward to him finding out.

"Where is she?" Kakoucho asked looking at the clock on his phone.

"What job did she have?" Rindou asked looking over to Sanzu, he looked up trying to recall.

"It was checking out a new possible club, I don't know the address though" Sanzu sighed getting to his feet and walking away as he tried to call her. Again it was no answer.

"Her phones fucking dead, it won't even ring" he told them dropping his phone on the couch and scratching the back of his head. He was always on you to make sure the damn thing was charged.

"Didn't we send anyone out with her?" Koko asked looking up from his laptop, Takeomi nodded.

"Kai went with her, try his number"

"What's going on?" Mikey asked entering the room. He could tell something was off instantly, looking around the room he saw all his executives but one.

"Where's Y/N?" he asked, dark eyes piercing all of his followers.

"We're looking" Sanzu said, the only one game enough to speak as the darkness leached from their leader. He went to pop another pill but decided against it, he needed a clear head for what was coming - he could feel it.

"What do you mean looking? Where is she?" Mikey demanded for the first time in years he felt a twinge of fear underneath his anger. He wouldn't loose you too.

"She was checking out a new space, we haven't heard from her in a few hours and her phones dead. We're just trying the guy that went with her" Sanzu explained as Ran tried to call the footman they had sent her with, when his phone went to voicemail as well he shook his head.

"Can we trace the phones" Rindou asked nervously, avoiding Mikey's stare.

"Her location last puts her near the club in Ropongi, it must have been where she met with Kai, his phone was left there by the looks of it"

"Get everyone on the streets and find her" Mikey said coldly, the others nodded instantly calling their men to start looking as Mikey Stood over them a threatening aura filling the room and causing a chill. They were already worried about you but now they were worried about what would happen if they couldn't find you.

It was over an hour before someone called saying they had spotted your car, the building was surrounded by a rivial gang and they were heavily armed. A fight had already started.

"Let's go" Mikey said heading for his car, the others were already moving grabbing their guns and other weapons, you needed them and they weren't going to let you down.

Sanzu drove while Mikey sat in the passenger seat, Takeomi and Koko in the back seat.

"She'll be fine boss, she's tough" Takeomi said from the back seat loading his pistol. Mikey didn't say a word instead staring at the road ahead of them. When they got to the warehouse their men were fighting against the others, they ignored the fight heading straight for the doors.

"No-ones made it inside yet boss" one of their men called. Sanzu ran forward with Ran opening the doors first and opening fire on the first defence inside.

"Well well doll face looks like your men finally made it" a voice boomed.

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