Your Alive?! - Rindou Haitani

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A/N: 80K reads!!! Thank you so much!
Remember if you like the story please like, I love reading your comments and it fuels me to write more 😋

Not my artwork, full credit to the original artist it's beautiful

Thank you!!

Rindou was sighing, irritated as he had to attend yet another meeting with Izana and Tenjiku.

"Are you sure you can't miss one little meeting?" You asked from the bed, in his favourite lingerie.

"I've missed a lot more than one" he muttered, His lavender eyes trained on your movements as you seductively moved towards him, running your hands up his chest over his uniform. He groaned trying to fight your efforts but eventually give in and missed the meeting for you. You'd never been a fan of his gang ties and were afraid of him going back to juvi.


"Rindou wasn't here again" Izana said irritated, staring down the older Haitani brother.

"What can I say, him and his girl are pretty inseparable." Ran shrugged, he couldn't understand what the big deal was - he would relay any information needed.

"This gang is more important than some girl" Izana growled irritated.

"They've been together since middle school, he has the same loyalty to her that he does to me" Ran stated, almost challenging Izana. Y/N was his family too, the little sister he never had. He wouldn't allow anyone to threaten her.

Izana dismissed him, irritated and plotting. He needed the loyalty of the Haitani brothers but he'd never have it as long as that girl was around distracting them. He conducted a plan.

He sent the brothers to other wards in Tokyo, sneaking their phones and changing Y/N's number to his own. He then paid a visit to the girl.

"I'm sorry to tell you Y/N but Ran and Rindou were targeted by a rival gang. The didn't make it" he said to you, eyes tearing up.

Your face fell, eyes widening and filling with tears.

"What are you talking about? I - I need to see them" you ran to grab your keys and wallet but he stopped you grabbing your shoulder and pulling you into a hug.

"You can't see them. They were beaten so badly they're barely recognisable, we only could because of their tattoo... please, I came for them, you need to run and hide. The people that targeted them will be looking for you too" you sobbed into his arms,

"I have a photo but I won't let you see them in person" he said when you started demanding to see them. The photo was horrible, the faces behind disfigured but the hair was the same - the matching tattoo showing through their ripped uniforms. Your heart shattered seeing the photo, a soul wrenching scream leaving you.

"I'm going to get you to safety ok, but you have to promise not to come back" he instructed. After a few hours in your heartbroken state he had you on a bus leaving town.

Satisfied with himself he returned to your apartment and begun staging the scene. The place was torn apart bullet holes in the walls and fake blood splattered around. There was no way someone could have survived an 'attack' like this. With the photo of a 'dead' girl of similar build and hair colour the brothers were convinced you was dead.

They became lethal, taking down anyone in their way as they tried to find who was responsible.


10 years later you finally decided it was time to go home. Surely you would be safe by now because you missed the place. You missed the streets you grew up on, the people you used to know and the memories that drew you home.

2 weeks back and you were enjoying life again. You finally felt like you were home even through you were missing a big part, at least you felt closer to them.

It had taken years to move on from what had happened, the photo still haunted you even now. You were afraid of anyone knocking at the door, years of panic attacks, paranoia and nightmares that you had finally managed to tame.

You even decided to go out with some work friends to a popular club in Roppongi. The night was fun, dancing with the girls and drinking to celebrate your return. Finally you needed to split from your group and go to the bathroom.

On your way to the bathroom someone grabbed your arm harshly yanking you back. You turned ready to yell at them but froze when you saw Ran Haitani looking back at you with the same shocked expression. His long hair was gone and now purple. He wore a fancy suit and had a new tattoo but it was him.

"You're alive?" He looked like he was seeing a ghost.

"Ran? You're alive?" Disbelief heavy in your voice.

"Oi, don't run off like that" another voice joined the pair. You looked past Ran to see Rindou looking annoyed. He'd changed a lot in the last few years but you could instantly tell it was him.

"Rin?" Your voice shook and his eyes flew to you, widening as he took you in.

"I thought you were dead" he said not moving, as if afraid you would disappear when he moved. Ran proved as much, his hand still tightly gripping your arm.

"What the fuck is going on?!" You demanded, tears filling your eyes.

"You tell us, you just disappeared - we were told you were dead" Rindou spoke his voice hardening.

"I was told you were both dead - the guys that killed you were coming after me as well so I needed to leave - Izana showed me proof!" You were rambling pulling away from Ran and backing into the wall. This was too much, you felt yourself slipping back into the past. Your body started to shake as tears leaked from your eyes. Breathing was becoming harder as you gripped your arms tightly, digging the nails in to try and ground yourself.

"Y/N, stop" Rindou was in front of you, pulling your arms away so you would stop hurting yourself.

"Look at me" he said calmly but forcefully, you shook your head trying to get a breath in but it was like you're lungs had deflated. He kept trying to talk to you but it sounded as if you were underwater and his muffled voice was only just reaching you.

"Princess I'm right here" he cupped your face forcing you to look up at him, his frantic eyes searching your face - trying to figure out how to help. When he saw he had your attention he kept repeating the same words.

He was here now
You were safe
He wasn't going anywhere.

Eventually your breathing had returned but your eyes never left his. He kept you hidden against the wall so no-one could see you, keeping you protected. He pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. Fingers lingering on your cheek.

"I never thought I'd see you again" he whispered.

"I missed you" was all you said in return. He didn't need anything more - kissing you deeply, as if he could erase the last 10 years.

"I'm never letting you go again" he said when the kiss finally broke.

He took your hand and led you out of the club through back doors.

"Are we allowed to go this way?"

"Sweetheart I own the club, we can go wherever we want but right now the only thing I want to do is take you home" he said opening a car door for you.

You didn't even hesitate getting in the car. A displeased sigh escaped Ran who had been following the two of you.

"Guess I'll just hang out here then, not like I found Y/N or anything" he said sarcastically. You laughed, 10 years past but same old Ran.

"We'll catch up with you in the morning ok, then we can figure out what the fuck happened" he nodded with a small smile ruffling your hair.

"I'm so glad your ok kid" he kissed your forehead as Rindou started the car and took you home.

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