Protector - Sanzu

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***Artwork not mine - credit to the artist***

"Hey pretty lady, how's your night going?" A voice slurred behind you, you sighed in annoyance. It had been a long day and the last thing you needed was some drunk idiot hitting on you.

"Not interested buddy" you called back hoping he would take the hint.

"That's not nice" he called out with a laugh, his voice echoing across the empty street. The hairs on the back of your neck stood tall as a feeling of unease settled over you.

The night was cold, the streets bare and the footsteps behind you loud against the quiet.

The footsteps behind you doubled and you realised there was more than one person following you. Another drunken laugh echoed loudly, you weren't far from home but would you get there in time was the question.

"Oh hunny, come and play, well have lots of fun" they sung out causing you too walk faster. If only your boyfriend were here tonight - but no, his stupid job meant he had been away for the past 2 months and would be away for another two weeks.

"Fuck off" you growled pulling out your phone just in case.

"Now a pretty lady shouldn't say such crass things" the voices where closer now, amused while the feeling of dread inside you was growing.

You pulled out your phone dialling your boyfriend quickly,

"Hey baby" he said tiredly.

"Any chance you have some guys close to my place? Got some drunk assholes on my ass" you said quickly, you knew whenever he was away he usually stationed men close by in case you needed it - tonight you were actually thankfully for it.

"Consider it taken care of" his voice instantly alert before he hung up. You walked a little faster nearing your building and wondering if you could unlock the door and slip inside before they reached you. Without turning around you knew they were getting closer - drunk but determined it would seem.

You got to the steps of your building still trying to figure out what to do, keys in your hand and ready to either unlock the door or stab someone.

You froze hearing a loud gunshot ring through the quiet night. The shots sounded 4 times before returning to an eerie silence. You slowly opened your eyes looking up to see your boyfriend standing on the stairs to your building. His face obscured by the shadows, you could see the glint of light flickering off the gun.

He slowly walked towards you as you tried to calm yourself, breathing heavily with your heart racing so fast you thought it might burst.

Haru made his way to stand in front of you smile on his face, as you took in his features - messy pink hair from sleep, diamond scars on his mouth slight distorted from his smirk as he took you in.

"Hey baby, I've missed you" he said pulling you into his bare chest. The warmth instantly radiating into you, chasing away the chill on the night.

You should have been terrified, running, any normal person would but instead you leaned up meeting his lips. Fear turning to excitement as you realised he was finally home.

"I thought you were away for another two weeks" you said quietly looking into his piercing blue eyes when the kiss finally broke.

"I wanted to come home and surprise you - I missed my girl. Gllad I did, so I could take care of the garbage loitering the streets" you saw his bloodlust, his anger at the men for scaring you but he didn't scare you, instead you smiled leaning into him.

"Welcome home Haru" you kissed him again, he grinned at you picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist and getting a giggle from you as he carried you inside.

You didn't look at the two drunken idiots, you knew they were dead.

Instead you focused on your handsome boyfriend who was finally home and ready to reconnect after the two months he'd been away.

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