The Bully - part 2

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The twins were looking for Y/N for a while but she was no where to be found.

She must have gone home.

They went to the Toman meeting that night and enlisted the help of their friends to protect the girl, at first none of them where interested but eventually they agreed especially after hearing that she tried to protect Souya and solider through it all alone.

Angry had a photo of her that they showed to the group and it was decided that Y/N was now under the protection of Toman.

The next day they walked into class but saw your desk still empty, they waited and at the last minute you ran through the door and straight to your seat.

You had pulled your hair in front of your face and were wearing a large hoodie like usual, when you briefly looked up the twins caught sight of the bruising on the side of your face and felt their anger rising. They looked to the girl who had been bullying you but she looked forward, not daring to look over to the twins. She had a slight bruise and swell to her face as well but it was no where near as bad as the bruising on you.

***Your POV***

When class ended you shoved everything in your bag heading for the exit as fast as you could but two people quickly joined you standing on either side of you. You looked up to see a twin on each side one looking like a serial killer excited about a kill, the other looking like a psychopath planning his next murder.

"Can I help you guys?" You asked quietly, your voice still raspy from yesterdays attack. If anyone were to pull down the fabric at your throat they would see large hand and finger prints bruised into your skin.

"Walking you to class" Souya answered looking at you, you tried to give him a small smile but it hurt too much.

"Look I appreciate it but I don't need you to protect me -"

"They hurt you yesterday" Souya said looking at your face you didn't deny it but stopped, causing them to both stop as well.

"It doesn't matter, just cause you walk me to a few classes wont make me protected. What happens as soon as your not around? I'll get attacked worse because I've gotten 'protection from Toman'" you sighed, they were trying to help but you knew it would do way more harm than good.

"They won't get the chance to come near you again" Nahoya promised but you shook your head.

"You guys are barely here on a good month, please I appreciate you trying to help me but just let me handle this"

"We are going to protect you whether you like it or not and when one of us can't be there someone else from Toman will be" Souya promised you, at that a few other guys joined the three of you in the hall. Your eyes widened as you looked at them, Draken the vice-captain of Toman, the Invincible Mikey Toman's leader and Mitsuya one of the division captains. You only knew about them because your younger brother was obsessed.

"Hey Y/N" Mikey waved with a smile, crazy to think someone so cheery was a gang leader, you waved back still trying to process.

"We've got your back" Nahoya said into your ear draping his arm over your shoulder.

"Don't fight us, just let us help" his grin was actually calming and slowly you nodded.

"Thank you" you rasped as they introduced you to the other Toman Members.

You actually got pretty close with the Toman members over the next few weeks. The bullying stopped, people left you alone, you had friends again and even started to date Nahoya eventually. Once you stood up to Aoi others did to, she soon left school because she was alone.

"Thank you" you said leaning into Nahoya as he had his arms wrapped around your waist.

"For what?" he asked placing his chin on the top of your head.

"For everything, I wouldn't be here without you and your friends"

"Our friends" her corrected kissing your head.

"Don't thank me just keep smiling"

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