The Bully -part 1

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**TW Bullying**

Entering the next class with a sigh trying to prepare for todays onslaught. It had been 3 months since Aoi, my 'best friend' turned on me. It wasn't that she just stopped being my friend, she decided I was the enemy - I didn't even know why but she had made it her mission to make my life miserable and it was working. The rumours floating around about me made people whisper and stare all over school, she made sure to attack me physiologically at every chance she got however she could.

Instead of wearing my usual clothes I ditched anything with colour or that was fitted. Everything I wore now was baggy to hide me as much as possible, I didn't eat at school anymore because Aoi or her minions were always there to comment on the food, the way I ate or my weight. I rarely even checked my phone anymore knowing all the horrible things that would be on there.

I didn't know how to stop her, I didn't feel like anyone could help - going to the teachers would just add fuel to the fire, I couldn't move schools - the only option was to soldier through alone. By this point most of the school was against me and even those who didn't believe the rumours wouldn't talk to me out of fear of being targeted.

I still couldn't believe I had once thought of her as a friend, I had even made the stupid mistake of telling her who I liked. Nahoya Kawata one of the boys from my classes, he was cute with peach curly hair and a smile always on his face. I hadn't had a lot to do with him but whenever I did he was sweet to me. He was rarely ever at school so he probably hadn't gotten the memo about ignoring me yet.

At one stage I had been good friends with his brother Angry but when I became a target for Aoi I stopped talking to him, not wanting him to get dragged into my mess.

Aoi always threatened to tell Nahoya about my little crush, the thought was embarrassing enough but she also loved to remind me that he wouldn't ever be interested in someone like me, he would most likely laugh in my face and that was the best case scenario.

Taking one last breath I walked into the class and sat at my desk in the back, putting my head onto my arms. I felt eyes on me but ignored them, it was for the best.

I knew Angry tried to salvage our friendship but that was hard to do when you were talking to a brick wall. Once upon a time I would have walked in smiling and chatting with others, now I just tried to be invisible - but my lovely ex-bestie wouldn't let me off that easy.

She perched herself on the desk in front of me trying to show off her legs and make herself 'attractive'.

"Aww Y/N what's wrong? You look a little down" your head was in your arms but you could practically see the fake pout on her face, and the grin that followed it.

"I heard that you had quite a busy weekend" she started fake whispering loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Someone was saying you slept with a whole gang, another said you got into a fight and had your ass handed to you" she paused for a moment tapping her chin, "so tell me just what kind of person are you?" she continued fake whispering in her sickly sweet voice, I had gotten pretty good at tuning her voice out but I did notice how quiet the class got, I could feel all the eyes on us. I felt her hair brushing against my skin as she leaned close only speaking in my ear.

"Maybe we should talk to the twins and see what they think about your extra-ciricular activities. I'm sure Smiley would have some comments about someone with your ahhh reputation, but maybe we should tell him about your little crush - see how that goes hmm?" Something inside me snapped, I was so tired of this, I had done nothing to deserve it and I was over just taking it - I just don't care what happens to me anymore. Lifting my head I stared her down with dead eyes, she raised an eyebrow, her warning for me to back down.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I snapped

"Excuse me?" she laughed, surprised that I was talking back

"I'm sorry maybe you have to much hairspray and it clogged your ears. I said What the Fuck Is Your Problem" I emphasised every repeated word. Her eyes widened.

"I am so tired of your shit every fucking day. I don't understand what's made you this way or why I am your target but I just don't want to deal with it anymore" out the corner of my eye I could see everyone watching us like a tennis match, many had a hand over their mouth unable to comprehend someone talking back to the grades queen bitch. She quickly tried to brush it off.

"She's just a bit grumpy this morning, didn't have her breakfast" she waved a hand but I wasn't done.

"No I'm not grumpy, I'm angry. You have terrorised me for months with no reason, you spread rumour after rumour and act like your god's gift to the earth. I am so done with your bullshit and I am not going to deal with it anymore" she leaned forward getting in your face.

"Shut your mouth or I'll-"

"Or you'll what? Tell my crush that I like them? Go ahead I don't care. You know what actually" I smiled menacingly, getting to my feet and slamming my palms on my desk frightening her back. Barging past her and walking to the Kawata twins, everyone's eyes on me but I held on to my anger using that as a fuel.

Standing in front of them they both looked at me Nahoya with his signature smile, Souya looked like his usual angry self.

"Look, I'm really sorry to do this to you but I am at the end of my rope and can't take her shit anymore, Souya I'm sorry we stopped being friends but I didn't want you dragged into this. Nahoya I have a crush on you, have for a few months and no I don't expect anything to come out of it" the words rushed out and for the first time ever his smile dropped, I couldn't focus on that yet. Turning I looked at Aoi who was staring at me with her mouth open and an angry look on her face.

"There goes your threat bitch" walking past her again I shoved her hard before grabbing my bag and leaving the room. The whispers started as soon as I left but I didn't stop, my mind briefly wondered what kind of rumours would be going around about me by this afternoon deal with it later.

I didn't have long and for my little performance, Aoi would get physical, her I could take - her friends that held me down while she beat me not so much. My anger was quickly fading, the sadness and embarrassment weighing heavily and I knew I would soon collapse. As fast as I could I ran to the rooftop, the only place in this whole school I could actually hide.

Nahoya POV

"There goes your threat bitch" she snarled before grabbing her bag and leaving, eyes drifted from him to the girl standing by Y/N's desk. He Didn't know her name but Angry had told him about her - she was one of the schools biggest bully's but they had a rule against fighting with girls. That didn't stop him from wanting to put an end to the girl in front of him.

He had never expected anyone to confess to him, especially not like that but he admired Y/N's fire - she had been good friends with his brother a while ago but suddenly stopped talking to him one day, it had confused Angry because he actually liked her friendship. Apparently they were looking at the reason why.

A while ago she had even caught his attention happy, bright and bubbly - smiling almost as much as he did, but hers was sweet and genuine - he hadn't seen it in months

Smiley got to his feet and walked to the girl, she looked at him wide eyed.

"You are going to leave her alone do you understand" he said with a wide smile, she opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally speaking.

"I didn't do anything!" she whined trying to play innocent, his grin turned menacing and he grabbed her phone throwing it across the room and smashing it against the wall.

"Do not speak to, look at or mess with Y/N again" he warned before leaving the room.

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