Don't be rude - Mikey

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You were looking down at your classroom schedule trying to figure out where your next class was while being careful not to walk into anyone. Apparently others weren't as courteous, your shoulder was barged causing your books to go scattering across the ground. Angrily you looked up to see a boy with long hair and a bored expression walking away from you.

"Excuse you" you called out to him angrily while leaning down to pick up your books.

Huh? The boy stopped and turned back to look at you, while you were still collecting the loose sheets that had flown from your pages.

"You just barged into me, the least you could do is apologise for it" you glared up at him annoyed, he just looked confused.

"What?" he said clearly still coming out of his thoughts.

"You barged into me making me drop my books, you could at least apologise to me" you growled standing again but still having to look up a little to meet his eyes, he seemed surprised at your boldness.

"Who are you?" he asked and your response was an annoyed huff.

"Fine then don't apologise asshole" you turned ready to storm away but were interrupted by a tall boy with a blonde braid, the sides of his head were shaved and a dragon tattoo on his skull.

"What do you think your doing? Mikey asked you a question and you don't speak to him that way" he growled leaning down to your level. You narrowed your eyes in growing annoyance, at least you now had a name for the rude boy behind you - Mikey. A brief look around showed you that a small group was now surrounding you, watching on with curious and surprised expressions. What a first day this was turning out to be. Refusing to be intimidated your rolled your shoulders back,

"I am leaving, Mikey was bring rude so he doesn't deserve to know my name, now if you'll excuse me I have to get to class" you tried to walk around the taller make but he just moved blocking your path again, you briefly thought about kicking him between the legs but then decided to maybe leave that for a last resort. You turned to the boy behind you who was watching on in amusement.

"Wanna call off your guard dog?" you asked pointing at the boy behind you.

"Hey!" he growled while the shorter boy laughed, when he finally stopped he looked at you wiping away a tear, you didn't get what was so funny.

"I'm sorry for walking into you, it wasn't intentional and I apologise for making you drop your books" you raised an eyebrow at the boy before nodding.

"Thank you" you paused for a moment wondering if you should give him your name or not but then decided to, it's better to leave a somewhat decent impression.

"My names Y/N"

"Y/N" he smiled "It's nice to meet you, I hope we can run into each other again" he bowed slightly, you still weren't used to the bowing side of things but you returned it nonetheless.

"Hopefully not literally" you smiled turning, you looked up at the guy who blocked your path but this time he stepped out of the way. The crowd that had gathered started chattering and whispering until the tall boy shouted for them all to get to class.

"What was that about?" Draken asked standing beside Mikey as he walked the girl walk away.

"I walked into her and she made me apologise" Mikey said thoughtfully, Draken laughed at him.

"Wow, she actually got you to apologise and she wasn't afraid of either of us"

"She's foreign, I haven't seen her before so she must be new"

"Mikey, when do you ever notice people?" Draken joked and Mikey gave him a wide smile in response, telling Draken he was right while the girl continued in his mind. Maybe it was because anyone else would have been graciously apologising to him even if he was at fault, but no you made him stop and pulled him up on his rudeness - something only Draken ever did.

You walked into your next class and smiled upon seeing your only friend in the school.

"Oh Y/N Hi!" she bounced around her seat excitedly, "did you hear what happened?!"

"Ah no? you're the only one who talks to me remember?" I joked as I took my seat.

"Well apparently some girl yelled at Mikey!" she paused for dramatic effect, you instantly knew they were talking about you but, you were curious why your friend was so captivated by the 'argument' and why so many people had milled around them watching the conversation happen.

"Why is that such a big deal? Who's Mikey?"

"He's the leader of Toman! Oh right you don't know - Toman or the Tokyo Manji Gang is a group of delinquents that ride motor bikes and commit crimes. Mikey is their leader and he's super tough - they call him the invincible Mikey because no-one can take him down" she rambled, Y/N laughed at herself internally - day 1 piss off the leader of a biker gang of course.

"It was me, I stood up to Mikey, he walked into me and made me drop my books so I made him apologise" you friends jaw dropped as you shrugged.

"Oh my god you are insane!"

"Probably but how was I supposed to know?" you defended yourself, you had just thought he was a rude and good looking idiot that was highly unaware of his surroundings - she never would have guessed he was the leader of a biker gang.

"You ned to keep your head down and stay away from him, he's dangerous" your friend warned. You nodded but he had definitely intrigued you.

It was the last class of the day but you were just over it, word of your conversation with Mikey had spread and evolved like wildfire. In the last story you heard, you had been knocked out and sent to the infirmary after fighting Mikey and the other boy you now knew as Draken.

Wanting a moment of piece and quiet from the stories and the stares you made your way to the roof and sighed in relief when you saw the empty rooftop and felt the sun on your skin. Walking to the end of the roof leaned against the wall enjoying the sunlight and warmth.

"It's nice up here isn't it" you jumped at the voice, not realising another person was up here, looking over you saw Mikey lying with his head on his arms on the edge of the rood.

"Jeeze good thing our positions aren't reversed, you would have just literally scared me to my death" you gave a shaky laugh and he chuckled in response.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, figured it was better to say something since you didn't notice me"

"I appreciate that I guess" you shrugged sitting down and leaning your head against the wall. Neither of you was looking at each other and fell into an easy silence, knowing he was the leader of a gang you thought maybe you should be intimidated but he seemed like he was trying to get away from the madness just like you.

"Are you new here?" he asked you not ready for your conversation to be over just yet, he looked over to see you leaning against the wall with your eyes closed.

"It's my first day"

"And your already ditching?" he chuckled again, enjoying looking at you. He had hoped that he would see you again, it was just his luck that you came to the rooftop so he could talk to you privately.

"This school is a lot" you said quietly, you opened your eyes meeting his gaze with amusement on his face.

"Did you know our conversation in the hall turned into a huge fight that landed me in the infirmary?" you laughed, he grinned back at you.

"I heard that we ended up sneaking off to a private room and settling things that way" he responded causing a blush to break out across your skin as you imagined the interaction.

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