Ramen date - Souya

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"Here puss puss" you called walking down the street. Your kitten had escaped and you'd spent the last 15 minutes looking for her with no luck.

"Excuse me" someone called, you turned to see an angry looking boy with blue hair walking towards you and shrank back, you didn't know what you'd done to upset him but an apology was ready to spill out of you when he pulled your kitten from his jacket.

"This little one yours?" He asked patting her head, she was happily curled into his arms enjoying the attention and purring loudly.

"Omg yes she is! Thank you so much" you grinned widely as he handed the small kitten over.

" I was so worried about you!" You scolded but she continued purring happily

"Thank you so much for finding her for me" you grinned at him and noticed a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah fine" he nodded and you smiled again.

"How about I treat you to lunch for finding my baby?" You asked and he shyly nodded. You grinned taking his hand and leading him back to your house to put your kitten inside and grab your bag, your where about to start walking when he offered you a ride on his bike.

"I know a good ramen place? It's a nice ride to"

"Ok, let's go" you smiled feeling yourself blush slightly as the boy continued to hold your hand.

He rode carefully watching you in the mirror as you enjoyed the ride, your arms tightly around him.

'Was that the first time you've been on a bike?" He asked and you nodded,

"It's so much fun!"

"Then maybe I can take you again some time?"

"Id like that, now let's go get some food" you grabbed his hand pulling him inside the restaurant and ordering the ramen he suggested. The two of you talked non-stop like old friends catching up.

"Your a twin" you said surprised, he looked at you with a surprised expression and you pointed to a group a few tables away where a boy with peach hair was not so subtly watching you both. He was joined by a long haired blonde and a tall guy with a tattoo on the side of his head. Souyas twin was smiling menacingly at the table.

Souya groaned dropping his head into his hands. You chuckled at the scene.
"I can't believe they followed me" he sighed before apologising, you waved the apologies away.

"Wanna get back at them?" He raised a brow as your grin widened, the twins weren't identical but they were close enough this should work.

"Get up and go outside make sure you can't be seen by anyone inside" you told him, he was confused but did as he was told, thankfully you noticed the boys after you finished your food.

You called the waitress over and asked for the bill.

"My dates paying but he's just ducked over to his friends, could you give him the bill I need to run a quick errand" the waitress looked at the other table confused but nodded.

"Of course thank you for dining with us" she walked away still looking confused and you left the restaurant. Outside you saw Souya off to the side and gestured for him to join you.

"What did you do?" He asked and you pointed at his brother with a smile. His brother who was frantically looking around for any sign of the two of you. His grin faltered for a second as he paid the bill and grabbed his jacket.

"I think we better run" you said quietly looking over at Souya who had a small smile on his face.

"Let's go" he grabbed your hand and you both ran down the street, ignoring the calls of his brother behind you and laughing like lunatics.

Eventually you lost the others and returned to Souya's bike, he dropped you home and walked you to the door.

'Thanks for a great day Souya'

"Do you think I could take you out again?" He asked sheepishly,

"Yeah, I'd like that" you grinned giving him a kiss on the cheek before going inside, a large smile on your face, Souya stood at the door shocked with a blush on his face and hand on his cheek.

** honestly this isn't great but I wanted to write a cute Angry one shot. If you have any suggestions or requests let me know 😊**

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