I cant let you go- Majiro Sano

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This one's kinda long and Angsty. TW suicide

Let me know what you think!!


Takemichi returned to the future to find things were again worse than before.

There were now 2 gangs running Tokyo. Boten led by Mikey and Nightshade led by Y/N L/N - Mikeys teenage love.

Hina had joined Y/N's ranks and hadn't been seen in a few years.

"You've got to be kidding" Takemichi said, between the two gangs they were responsible for over 200 deaths Naoto explained. Every crime organisation in the city answered to them, Japan split down the middle.

"How did this happen?" Takemichi asked confused.

"I'm not sure what happened but they are rivals now and they've both gone insane. The police wont even touch them because they're afraid especially of Y/N. I don't know what she was like back then but she is twisted now" Naoto relayed and Takemichi groaned - always trying to save these two, always failing.

He looked at the photos of them and saw how sad they both looked, how hardened they seemed. Every photo they held a look of warning.

"I need some air" he said grabbing his coat and leaving.

What do I do now? How can I save these two?

Looking around he tried to get some inspiration, it seems fate was on side today because up ahead he saw someone on a bike talking to a girl - there were wearing a jacket with the Nightshade symbol.

"Hey!" he ran up scaring the girl away, the guy on the bike scowled starting up his bike, Takemichi ran in front of him holding his handlebars in place.

"Listen my name is Takemichi, I'm an old friend of Y/N L/N and I really need to talk to her, can you please pass on the message" the biker scoffed and pulled his bike back taking off while Takemichi groaned.

He went back to the apartment and told Naoto to try and call Hina, maybe she could arrange the meeting. He just needed to talk with Y/N.

The next day he and Naoto were eating at a small café when the door opened and everyone scattered running out of the door.

Y/N  walked over to their table and took a seat, Takemichi was speechless at first. Her once dark hair was now snow white, dark eyeliner and pale skin  - she looked beautiful but deadly.

"Takemichi long time no see" she gave him a smile while stealing his food, he didn't dare stop her but found himself wondering if she still slept after eating like she used to. He was looking for any indication that she was still the girl he used to know.

"Y- Y/N hi" he stuttered, looking over the guards she had at the door.

"Can never be too careful" she watched him looking over her people, "you wanted to see me? Well I'm here but let's do this quickly I am a busy woman you know" she smiled but it was vastly different from the one she used to wear. Her whole demeanour told you that she would kill you with a flick of her wrist.

"I just - I need to know what happened. How did you become this? The gang your leading... The Y/N I knew would never stand for the things that -"

"Careful Takemichi, just because you knew me then doesn't mean you know me now"  She warned him stabbing a piece of chicken.

"Are you and Mikey really rivals?" Takemichi asked and she froze with the chicken at her lips.

"Questions, questions" she sighed putting her food down, "You should know all of this," she said disapprovingly.

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