Beach Day - Mikey

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***this is a story about Mikey with a bigger gf and him helping her through self doubts. The artworks not mine but I like it a lot - all credit to the original artist ***

You boyfriend had planned a trip to the beach as a date and you couldn't be more excited. You bought a cute swimsuit that made you feel confident and we're practically counting down the days to your trip.

When the day finally arrived you packed a bag with essentials and met Mikey on his bike downstairs.

"Ready?" He asked with a smile, you returned a wide smile nodding.

When you got to the beach you noticed the other Toman bikes there as well. You were a little annoyed that your 'date' had become a group outing but you were also looking forward to seeing everyone.

Hina, Emma and Yahuza were setting up towels when you arrived, they were all excited to see you gushing about how fun today would be. You joined their excitement until you saw them in their swimwear- they looked amazing and you....

You weren't skinny like your friends. Looking at them you couldn't help but compare yourself, you thought about all the things that singled you out, all the comparisons everyone would make.

You stomach was nowhere near flat. Your thighs were large and a thigh gap would only ever happen in your dreams - your arms were also bigger - everything about you was bigger. You couldn't shed the safety of your baggy shirt and denim shorts.

Smiling you told the girls you were going to sit under the umbrella for a bit because you didn't feel like swimming, they tried to convince you but eventually left you be.

As you sat, you looked anywhere but your own skin, sitting down made your thighs larger and you couldn't hate them or yourself any more in that moment. But today was meant to be a happy day, everyone was having a great time and you weren't going to bring them down.

So you sat under the umbrella waving at everyone and smiling, declining whenever they called you into the water.

Mikey dropped beside you shaking his wet hair everywhere.
"Hey" you scolded jokingly.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted to come to the beach?" He asked concerned. You realised that even if it has just been the two of you - your body image probably would have stopped you anyways. The looks the two of you regularly received would be amplified, people wondering how and why someone like him would be with someone like you.

"I did, I'm having a good time but I just don't feel like swimming" you plastered a smile on your face, affectionately nudging him.

"Did you win the race?" He nodded but his eyes continued to study you, the stare felt suffocating - like he was seeing into the deepest parts of you, you didn't want him seeing that far. You wanted him to believe your lie and go hang out with the others.

You never understood why he chose you of all people, he had so many options - so many girls that were way more beautiful than you.

"You know" he interrupted your spiralling.
"When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, every bit of you" you snorted but he ignored you.
"You had this smile that lit up a whole room, nobody was immune and then your eyes. I dreamed for weeks about how beautiful they were - how much I got lost in them."

"I had?"

"Lately you've been smiling like that less, you smile but it's fake - your eyes look so sad - you know I would do anything for you, so please what's going on?"

"Y/N" he warned as you sighed. A tear slipping from your eyes.

"I hate myself - I hate the way that I look, how big I am - look at the other girls, they look incredible. Next to them I look so huge -I feel like a fucking whale" tears flowed now as you gripped your thighs angrily. His hands quickly covered yours pulling them away revealing marks left by your nails.

"Hey, hey" he pulled you into his arms as you cried. Even though you wanted to collapse into him you were  afraid of crushing him.

"Enough of this" he pulled you into his lap making you sit.

"You are stunning, every part of you. Your body is perfect right as it is. I love every part and will happily kiss every part of you to prove it. Also you won't break me and it's insulting that you think so, I could carry you all day every day and be fine. So please my love, stop comparing yourself to others because there is no one like you" he tucked your hair behind your ear and gently forcing you to face him when you tried to turn away.

"You are beautiful and incredible, I fell in love with every part of you so please believe me. If you want to work out I'll help, if you want to get a pizza and ice cream I'll be by your side enjoying them with yours. All I care about is you being healthy and happy. If you need me to stand in front of you every morning and point out every part of you I love and why I'll do it -"

You cut him off kissing him deeply, your tears making the kiss salty but so did the sea water clinging to him.

His words didn't change the way you felt about yourself, but you felt loved, cherished and like you had a supporter in your court. You could learn to love yourself, Mikey being by your side would keep you remembering you were worthy  of self love until you could get your own strength back.

"Thank you Mikey" you said quietly, you felt him tighten his grip on you.

"I love you Y/N" he replied as you rested your head on his shoulder, his head on top of yours.

"I love you too"

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