Twin Trap - Smiley

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I rolled my eyes at the boys filling the halls, my sister had asked them to move politely but they ignored her.

"Oi assholes move it" I said loudly gaining their attention. The halls came to a standstill as the 4 turned to me, my arms were crossed and my expression was what my sister liked to call psycho serial killer face.

"That's a bit rude don't you think?" one with blonde hair asked,

"Who are you calling assholes?" a black haired boy growled.

"The four idiots blocking the doorway to my classroom, if you wanna chat and jerk each other off do it elsewhere" I thought about barging through them but at least 2 could knock me back. I could see their faces now, one with long black hair and a smirk, another with a blonde undercut, and oh joy another set of twins.... They actually kinda reminded me of me and my sister....

One with blue hair, one with peach and two very contrasting expressions.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to us like that!" The one with black hair snarled,

"Do you know who we are?" He continued taking the lead.

"You're the idiots blocking the doorway I thought we established this?" I said confused looking to my sister who was trying to hide her smile behind her books and hair.

"Maybe we should go" she said with a slight laugh, she wasn't afraid of me getting into a fight because she would join in a heartbeat - she was however afraid of us getting suspended, our parents would kick our asses.

"But our class is here" I pouted and she rolled her eyes. The black haired boy was getting irritated we were ignoring him but the others looked entertained.

"We haven't seen you two around before" the one with peach hair said and we shrugged in sync, it was never planned but we often moved that way

"And that matters why? All we want is to get into our class" she snapped and it was my turn to bite my lip.

People called us crazy,

My hair was red and black

Hers was purple and black,

She had permanent resting bitch face

She told me I had psycho serial killer face.

We enjoyed messing with people and I always thought we could give the twins from the shining a run for their money. She always seemed calmer but she was the first to throw a punch once someone pushed her. I threw them for fun. 

The black haired boy looked like he wanted to fight but was conflicted, the one beside him looked irritated with this whole situation while the twins wouldn't take their eyes off of us. One smiling, one looking bored and angry.

"Guys just let them through" the blue haired boy said with a sigh, I noticed my sister checking him out - his eyes were darting back to her when he thought no-one was watching.

"Thanks blue" you grinned while he shuffled the other boys aside creating a path for you. He nodded to you as you both slipped though taking your seats at the back of the class.

"Blues got a thing for you" I grinned when we sat down. She blushed instantly

"Oh and you have a thing for blue how cute"

After class we separated and I made my way to the last class of the afternoon when I spotted the peach haired boy from earlier

"Hey peach boy" I yelled drawing the attention of the hall, he turned to me looking confused

"Are you talking to me?" He questioned as I ran over to him,

"We'll obviously" I rolled my eyes linking my arm with his, he continued looking at me confused.

"I think my sister likes your brother" I said quietly into his ear seeing blush tint his cheeks.

"Do you like her too!" I squealed excitedly noting the pink across his face that grew darker as I spoke.

"No!" He panicked and I just laughed at him pulling him along.

"Walk me to class and we can talk about how to get those two together"

"How do you know he likes her?" Peach boy questioned.

"I saw him looking at her"

"Looking at her? Really that's it?"

"He kept looking at her every time he thought no one was watching, he wasn't 'checking out her body' either, he looked fascinated by her face"

Nahoya raised an eyebrow, this girl really was attentive, he only knew Souya thought the girl was cute because he told him during class.

" ok so what do we do?" He hadn't ever tried to set his brother up before this was all new. Well his brother had never been interested in anyone before...

"Well first, I'm Y/N and she's Sam, here is my number" you quickly scribbled in on a piece of paper it your notebook before handing it over.

"What's your name?" You asked as he took the paper still seeming in a daze

"Nahoya, but everyone calls me Smiley"

"We'll I'm not everyone, thanks for walking me to class Nahoya" you winked walking into your classroom while he watched you still holding the paper.

No she certainly wasn't he thought as he walked back to his own class and wondered how long he should wait to text the girl. 

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