Collateral - Part 2

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Turns out being 'property' of Bonten wasn't that bad. It had its perks like a fancy new apartment in their building, A new wardrobe and jewellery to keep up with the Bonten image.

You had settled into your role with them quickly when they told you how much you'd get paid.

Your job was being their errand person, for literally everything at any time. Last night you had to run and get condoms for Ran and Sanzu at 2am.

The people were honestly the most annoying part.

Ran would hit on you every chance he got. Which was a lot.

You could never tell if Sanzu was hitting on you or planning to kill you.

In your earlier months, he had once gifted you a diamond studded collar because you were now Bontens bitch. It took everything within you to not strangle him with it.

"Don't you need this more? I'm sure Mr Sano needs something to grab when he's pulling you out of his ass" your words flowed before you'd even thought about them. Both freezing as you processed.

When you slowly looked up and your eyes met, you saw the madness and anger realising you'd fucked up. A menacing laugh left him, making your blood run cold.

"Oh shit"

"Your funny!" He growled as his Katana was imbedded in your desk and if you hadn't been so quick would have sliced your skin. His eyes turned to you even more enraged that you'd moved. Before he had the chance to free his Katana you ran bolting for the only other door that was 'Sanzu proof'.

Koko looked up surprised as you slammed the door and locked it looking for a place to hide.

"Can I help you?" He asked

"I may have pissed off Sanzu" you said quietly.

"Get out here you bitch!" He hammered on the door.

"What did you do?" Koko sighed annoyed at the intrusion.

"He tried to give me a dog collar.... I said Mr Sano would need it when he was pulling Sanzu out of his ass" you said quietly eyes flicking to the door that was being attacked.

"Funny" Koko commented watching the scene with amusement.

"Why are you involving me?"

"Your office is the only one he can't get into"

"How do you know that?"

"You hold the money, he's a drugged up psycho. Always hide the cash from them."
You tried to keep calm but Sanzu hadn't stopped, you now heard his Katana chipping at the door.

"Help me please!" You begged as Sanzus laughter reached your ears.

"It'll cost you"

"I can't be any deeper in the shit than I am now" you sighed.

"Sanzu, she's got a job back off"

"You can't stop me!"

"No but Mikey can, don't make me call him" Koko said and Sanzu yelled in frustration.

"It was that easy?" You sighed dramatically, Koko winked.

You slowly got to know the members of Bontens executive group.

Koko wasn't so bad although he was a tease, he could also be really sweet and always made sure you were looking your best.  He also paid you well even after he'd taken Bontens cut.

Kacchou tended to avoid you, but in your small interactions he seemed really sweet. A true gentleman.

Takeomi was nothing special honestly and he had little interest in you but he didn't try to kill you, so small things.

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