My Villain - Manjiro

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Some people wonder why I chose the villain over the hero's.

I chose the leader of Japans largest criminal Gang instead of Japans head police commissioner.

Breaking his heart was sad sure but nothing compared to the rush I felt with Manjiro Sano.

He was the one who always put me first, flaunted me around, spoilt me with both attention and gifts. Before you call me materialistic, I'm not with him for the money or the gifts but it sure is nice.

I never had to wonder where he was, never had to wonder if there was a woman on the side. Even when trapped amongst gun fire I felt safe with him.

He's the one that would always save me, he'd proven that. I'd once been kidnapped by a rival gang for my affiliations to both Boten and the police.

It wasn't the commissioner that came for me, he had to do everything by the book. By the time he came for me I would have been dead.

Instead Manjiro stormed the building with his men, looking like an avenging angel ready to destroy the world. He ignored the rival leader coming straight for me.

Once he confirmed I was unhurt, he unleashed chaos on my kidnappers. None of them lived.

As much as he wanted to punish them his priority was me. He took me home and pampered me before fucking me senseless.  Making sure I was ok in every way. He wasn't soft and tender but fierce and powerful. He knew what I needed and gave it to me without judgement.

He claimed me that night and my decision was made.

He saw me at my darkest and accepted me with a smile and open arms. He offered me the underworld and all the finest things.

His heart was fully mine, I never questioned his loyalty to me and I proved mine to him.

They may question why I chose the 'villain' but he is and will forever be my personal hero, fuck  saving the world he would always come for me and burn the world to the ground if I asked. 

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