MHA crossover

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*** A/N note - I don't even know with this one but I hope you enioy***

White lights blinded you, so bright you lost sight of the warehouse around you. For a moment your body felt weightless and then you were falling on your ass.

Groaning you got to your feet, eyes still blinded by whatever light had hit you.

You blinked away the bright light trying to take in more of your surroundings when you felt someone tugging you back, Mikey had grabbed the back of your shirt and was pulling you behind him - he seemingly recovered faster.

"What in the fuck was that" you groaned rubbing your eyes, they finally cleared and you looked at your new surroundings - your eyes widened as you backed up further.

"What the -"

The room looked like a classroom except the students weren't like anything you'd ever seen - someone with a bird head, multiple arms, exhausts coming out of legs, a random floating uniform and they were all looking at you ready to attack.

"Mikey" you said quietly,

"I don't know" he replied, Draken on your other side towering over everyone.

"Where are we?" Draken asked

"Who the fuck are you!" One of their group yelled back.

"Oi, bit rude don't you think" you scolded him, spotting a blonde boy with red eyes. Oh we're starting fights with the devil now, great.

He started pushing forward and so did you, it didn't matter where you are, people aren't allowed to be rude to your friends. You were ready to throw a punch when the air started to heat up, suddenly he was wrapped in a scarf?

Draken grabbed the back of your shirt pulling you back and holding you in place. You didn't put up a fight, too confused at what was happening.

"Enough of this, who are you?" An older voice boomed, you saw a guy with long black hair and red eyes, he wasn't blinking.

"Hey Draken I think we've landed in hell, or found Smileys long lost family. So many red eyes." Smiley chuckled at your comment, even he seemed a little rattled.

"Do we have to fight our way back, my brothers at home cooking dinner for us" he cracked his knuckles with a chuckle.

"We're the Tokyo Manji Gang, who are you?" Draken said still holding you back, you sighed and tapped his hand signalling you weren't going to fight.

"Do you really not know us, we are class 1A at UA" one of them said emphasising every word with a hand gesture.

"That means nothing to us roboman" you sighed again getting annoyed with the situation.

"What's going on here" the older guy said, his tone matching your energy. Bored and over it.

"I think I found my father" you whispered to Smiley who chuckled more ruffling your hair. 

"Why don't you tell us? I don't know where we are but we've never seen people like this before" Draken took point, Mikey tugged you back by your shirt making you stand beside him. Looking around the room you and the blonde boy with red eyes made contact, staring  each other down, you were already planning your attack - he was bigger but they could be navigated. The biggest concern was the sudden heat you felt earlier when he tried to fight you earlier.

With people this weird you didn't know what to expect. 

You tapped Mikeys hand 3 times, a code that meant you were unsure. His eyes flicked to you briefly before returning to the group on front of you but he squeezed your hand reassuringly.

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