Festival- Mitsuya

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You walked through the festival alone.
Your friends had 'coupled up' and completely forgotten you were even there so you left, deciding to try and enjoy the festival alone, it sucked.

You were about to leave when someone ran straight into you nearly making you fall. Looking down you saw a small girl on the verge of tears, leaning to her level you held her hand to stop her from running frantically.

"Hey are you ok?" You asked gently, she looked at you and sniffled before bawling. You picked her up and she clung to you tightly.

"It's ok, it's gonna be ok" you soothed her. When she stopped crying so much you tried to talking to her again.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, what's your name sweetie?"

"Mana" she said quietly resting her head on your shoulder.

"Where's your mum and dad?"

"I want my brother" she pouted giving you the biggest puppy eyes you had ever seen.

"What's your brothers name?"


"Ok do you know if Suya has a phone number?"  The little girl shook her head and you sighed.

"How about we go find him hmm? He was the one who came here with you right?" She nodded and you started walking through the crowds.

"What does he look like?"

"He's tall and has silver hair" she said quietly and you nodded, Tall, Silver hair, probably frantically looking for this little cutie, should be easy.

The two of you walked around for half an hour and you were starting to wonder if you should just call the cops, that way they could find her family easier. You were about to make the call when you heard someone shouting up ahead.

Following the noise you started to see a group running through the crowds shouting the name of the little girl in your arms. You smiled at her but she had completely passed out, snoring lightly.

Chucking you called out
"Over here" as you walked closer you spotted the brother, tall boy, silver hair, very cute. A light blush spread across your cheeks at the last part. He spotted you and ran over a look of relief on his face.

"Oh my god where did you find her?! Thank you so much" he tried to take her from you but she only clung tighter.

"It's ok, I can keep holding her if you'd like" you offered chuckling,

"Thank you, I don't really think she's giving you a choice" he laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah, we ran into each other near the front gate, she was crying cause she'd gotten lost so I was helping her find you, seems she got tired and fell asleep along the way" you rubbed the girls back and she smiled.

"Can you stay" she asked tiredly

"Ahh, if that's ok?" You asked looking at Suya.

"Yeah, if you'd like to? I'd be happy to escort another beautiful girl around the festival" you blushed and he smirked, looking down you saw another girl by his legs. Leaning down carefully you extended your hand,

"I'm Y/N" you smiled

"I'm Luna" she grinned back shaking your hand enthusiastically. Stand back up you looked to the brother who was watching you with a small smile on his face.

"So you must be Suya?" He laughed loudly.

"My names Mitsuya, Suya is my nickname from these two"

"Oh sorry!"

"No its fine, you can call me either, anything you'd like from the festival is on us right girls?"

"Yeah! We can get candy!!" Luna said grabbing your hand and pulling you along.
Mitsuya watched the three of you,

"Looks like you found your sister" Takemichi smiled the rest of the gang joining behind him.

"Yeah, I think the girls like her"

"I think you might to" Draken teased noticing the light dusting on Mitsuya's cheeks and ears.

"Shut up, I don't even know her" he argued back, although he did think she was very cute and enjoyed seeing her interact with his sisters who already seemed to love her.

"Then what are you doing here with us? Go get to know her" Mikey said pushing him from behind, he turned to growl them but they all had stupid grins and thumbs up.

With a sigh he followed the girls, joining in on their conversations.

*** later that night***

The four of you had spent the whole festival together, watching the fire works, playing games and eating together.

There were a few moments with Mitsuya but you wondered if you were just overthinking things, he was so attractive, maybe it was just wishful thinking.

You went to his home dropping off the girls, they both hugged you tightly and made you promise to visit them again. Laughing you followed Mitsuya back to the gate.

"Thanks for tonight, it was a lot of fun" you said to him,
"Thank you for hanging out with us, the girls love you, I'm sorry if we ruined your plans"  he chuckled.

"No! Not at all, actually when Mana found me I was about to leave, you guys made the festival fun" you laughed quietly.

"It's getting late, I better head home" you said sadly, he grabbed your hand leading you over to a bike.

"Get on, I can't let a beautiful girl walk home alone now can I?" He offered you a helmet.
Damn that smile.
You got on behind him sitting a little ways back so it wasn't awkward.
"Hold on tight" he said before gunning it down the street, with a yelp you fell forward wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.

When you reached your house he helped you off, smiling as you handed back his helmet.
"So do you think I could take you out again? Maybe next time just the two of us?" He asked standing in front of you, looking adorably nervous.

"I'd really like that" you smiled at him, leaning forward you gave him a small kiss,

"Thank you for a great night" you smiled, he grinned widely pulling you back for a longer kiss.

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