Twin Trap - Part 3

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"The boys are on their way!" you called walking out of your room "it's been such a long time, I'm so keen to see them again" you walked into the lounge-room finally looking up from your phone.

Sam stood in the middle of the room with a sheepish smile while Souya and Nahoya sat on the couch watching TV.

"What the.... Sam.. Why are they? What are.... What the fuck Sam!"

"Ok, I know what your thinking but they wanted to meet our brothers and I wanted our brothers to meet them" she rubbed her hand on the back on her neck trying to avoid your gaze. It was only natural for her to want her boyfriend and brothers to meet but you didn't think that day would be today! And throwing Nahoya in the mix?

"Are you insane?" you hissed, the boys just looked confused.

"Is something wrong N/N?" Nahoya asked watching you carefully. He had chosen the nickname for you months ago. You two weren't dating but you had become incredibly close, he was always over when Souya was - which was all the time.

"Yes, my sisters lost her damn mind." You said looking away from his watchful gaze, even though his eyes were squinted in his usual easy smile you could tell he was watching you closely.

"Listen, I'm sorry but you both need to go home" you told them. Smiley got off the couch walking over to you and tilting your face up to look at him.

"What's wrong Y/N? Why are you afraid?" He asked watching as your mouth opened and closed a few times trying to conjure up the words to explain.

"Y/N" Sam tried but you stared at her around Smiley silencing her. He was cupping the side of your face with one arm around your waist and you had to fight to ignore the tingles his touch sent through you.

"Our brothers are crazy at the best of times, you know what they enjoy doing!" her face paled and you could imagine what was going through her mind.

"Oh god" she whispered and the boys shared a confused look. She turned to Angry when there was a knock at the door, she spun back to you with wide eyes.

"What do we do?!" she whispered and you facepalmed,

"Sit your stupid ass down" you warned her then removed Smileys hand from your face squeezing it in reassurance. He watched you as you walked to the door.

You slipped outside greeted by the sight of your two older brothers , despite your fear a grin broke across your face.

"Hi" you smiled widely and threw yourself into their arms, Ran hugged you tightly before you moved on to Rindo.

Ran turned to the bikes in the driveway with a raised brow,

"Did you two get new bikes?"

"Actually we have some friends over, you two have to promise to behave ok?" their whole demeanour changed and they were ready to fight, you sighed and hugged them both again.

"I missed you guys"

"We missed you too" they said holding you close, you led them inside and Sam ran over launching into their arms.

"Ran, Rindo, this is Nahoya and Souya - they're friends from school" you introduced them, your brothers studied the two boys who came over to introduce themselves.

You could feel the tension in the air and Sam's anxiety was radiating over to you in waves.

"Are you guys hungry?" you asked your brothers standing between the boys, the best action here was to keep them all focused on you - it wasn't working.

"Haven't we seen you guys before?" Ran asked, his expression was bored but you knew better.

Sam had come to stand by you in between the sets of brothers, you were both short enough that they didn't even seem to notice.

"I think they're apart of the Tokyo Manji Gang" Rindo said scrutinising Souya while Ran looked Nahoya up and down.

"4th division Captain and Vice Captain" Nahoya said, his signature smile was on his face but you could tell he was readying for a fight.

You were about to start shoving the boys apart when the doorbell rang. Sam slipped away to answer it.

"Mikey, Draken? What are you guys doing here?" she squeaked.

"Oh for fucks sake" you breathed rubbing your temples.

"We heard your brothers were coming and wanted to meet them" Draken answered stepping into the room, his eyes narrowed upon seeing the Haitani brothers in front of him.

"Y/N" you turned to Ran, his gaze locked on you. You had always looked up to your older brother, he had a special soft spot for you which screwed you over because you could never lie to him.

Technically Ran and Rindo were your half brothers but they had taken you and your sister under their wing since you were little, they practically raised you, taught you to fight and treated you both like princesses.

No one dared to fuck with you and if they did they were taught a severe lesson. Your mother had moved you away from the brothers thinking they were a bad influence but nothing could remove them from your life completely. They always came to visit and check up on you both.

"Are you in a gang?" Rindo's tone told you not to test him and you swallowed thickly.

"We're not in a gang but we do hang out with one" you said quietly it almost sounded like a question.

"Are you dating someone in a gang?" Ran asked with a raised brow, you opened your mouth and nothing came out for a moment, Nahoya flashed through your mind and you could feel his presence behind you.

"No" you eventually said, Ran's gaze turned to Sam who's eyes widened.

"Sam?" He asked and she sighed,

"Ran, Rindo, I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend Souya, we've been dating for 4 months" she walked over and held his hand under the heavy gaze of her brothers.

You were starting to feel light headed from all the tension in the room. Rindo started to say something but you couldn't hear him, your body started to sway and it heated, your vision blaring.

"Y/N!" you faintly heard Nahoya as you blacked out.

Nahoya caught you as you fell, he could feel your brothers eyes on him but he didn't care.

"What happened?" He asked looking at your siblings.

"She hasn't been feeling well" Sam said running to your side and checking you over.

"Bring her to her room, she'll wake up soon. All of you stay here and behave or so help me I'll beat you all myself" she took over as peace keeper and led Nahoya to your room, he put you on your bed gently making sure to tuck you in.

"She has blood pressure problems, whenever she gets really stressed and hasn't eaten her blood pressure spikes and she passes out" Sam explained putting a water bottle and some fruit next to your bed.

"And she still fights?"

"She's never been stressed in a fight" Sam shrugged. She couldn't explain how you worked you just did.

"She's worried about a fight between you and Souya and our brothers. She wouldn't know who to protect and it made her panic"

He looked to your sleeping body with wide eyes and Sam patted his shoulder pitifully.

He liked you, everyone could see if, he treated you as if you were his girlfriend but whenever he was asked he couldn't bring himself to say he was dating you.

He couldn't find the words to properly ask you out and genuinely thought you weren't interested in him that way, despite what everyone else told him.

"Nahoya you really are thick, if you like her you need to do something about it, she won't wait around forever and our brothers won't take kindly to someone who made their baby sister wait. Stay is you want or come out to the party" she said as she left the room to deal with the room full of guys ready to fight.

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