Fight Club

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It had only been two days and this new school was proving boring beyond belief.

That was until I found out about some afterschool fight ring - it might be interesting especially if I could jump in and earn some cash.

After school I followed the crowd of boys to their fight area. At first I didn't see anything interesting, some guys thinking they were tough shit that was nothing new, then I saw them forcing some kids to fight. The one being forced into the ring was obviously weak, especially compared to his 'opponent' - what kind of shit show was this? A good fight was against two equally strong opponents not some asshole beating someone weaker than them.

"Who's running this joke?" I asked a guy near me, he just tsked and walked away from me earning himself an eyeroll. Before the scrawny kid could fight his friend butted in challenging the leader of this fight ring - Kiyomasa.

I stopped halfway down the stairs watching as Kiyomasa beat the crap out of the blonde haired boy, it got so bad I couldn't stand by anymore. The blonde 'servant' was asking to meet someone named Mikey when Kiyomasa asked for a bat.

"Wow, your pitiful, both of you really but you more than anyone" I told Kiyomasa standing in front of the blonde haired boy who was bent over holding his stomach.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"The girl who's gonna kick your ass" I grinned cracking my knuckles, he just laughed looking down on me.

"Lucky for you sweetheart I don't hit girls, now walk your pretty little ass out of here before you get what's coming to ya"

"You know I don't usually hit girls either but today I'm making an exception" I smiled widely before punching him hard in the jaw sending him to the floor. Gasps erupted from the crowd as he stared at me with hatred. Getting back to his feet he threw a punch that was aimed for my head, I braced myself ready to counter when someone stepped in between us knocking me back.

"What the hell" I growled getting back to my feet, a tall boy stood before me, blonde braid, Dragon tattoo and dangerous aura.

"I had that asshole" I shouted storming up to him. He turned to me looking angry at my interference "Someone needs to teach him a lesson" I growled trying to push past him, he just shoved me back and I got ready to fight him instead of Kiyomasa, not noticing how every member around us was bowing to the shorter blonde making his way to us.

"He's one of our members we will teach him that lesson" the tall one said and I laughed.

"If this is what your members are like clearly you need a lesson as well" I could see him trying to hold back laughter, looking at his smaller friend as if asking what do I do with her?

"Mikey?" he called but 'Mikey' just walked past us although his eyes did linger on me as he passed. He walked to the blonde boy requesting his name and then declaring them friends, I felt my face scrunch in confusion. I looked at the taller boy and saw he was paying more attention to the shorter boy than Kiyomasa.

Slowly I backed up stepping around the tall boy and facing Kiyomasa. He watched me and realised what I was thinking, getting ready to throw a punch. I launched myself only to be caught around the waist and pulled back, Kiyomasa was kicked in the stomach. I glared at the tall boy who was still holding me in place, he ignored me staring at the ringleader of these fights.

"1 you should be bowing before Mikey"

"She was going to- "

"2 we don't hit girls" The tall one growled and I punched him in the stomach earning a grunt from him. He dropped me and I glared at him,

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't fight" Mikey had made his way over and was now watching me serve his friend.

"If I throw a punch I expect to be hit back and I guarantee I could take out all of the bitches here" Draken was about to argue but Mikey stepped in.

"Ok then, show us what you got" he raised an eyebrow nodding towards Kiyomasa and a grin broke across my face, this was what I enjoyed the adrenaline pumping through my veins, the thrill of danger. Turning to Kiyomasa - he watched me wearily, looking back at Mikey and Draken.

"Come on, you were going to fight her so do it" Mikey said continuing to eat his treat.

"Don't hold back ok? I want to beat your ass and win properly" I smiled, he was still looking hesitant but when Draken yelled to get on with it he moved a little faster.

"If you lose your out of Toman and her bitch understand" Draken smiled. That seemed to spur him on, he launched with a clenched fist I quickly evaded then kicked his ass causing him to fall forward.

"Come on man, I thought you were saying you were a king?" I taunted, extracting a growl from my opponent.

"She remind you of someone?" Draken said quietly watching the girl who was fighting with a large grin on her face.

"I can think of at least 5 people" Mikey replied grinning.

I landed another hit to his jaw,

"Ooohh look that one's an instant bruise" I inspected getting close to him, he tried to grab me but I swiftly stepped back. He did manage to grab my shirt and pull causing the buttons to rip

"Pervert!" I yelled kicking him in the jaw, the kick was powerful enough to send him flying back and he finally passed out. Sighing in annoyance I pulled my shirt closed.

"Here" Mikey said handing me his jacket.

"Thanks" I muttered turning around and slipping it on, it was a bit baggy but that worked right now.

"So, what's your name?"


"Come with us, we've got some friends you might like" 

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