Stolen Part 2 -Ran

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You could feel eyes on you, someone was watching and had been for a while. You pulled out your phone, doing your best not to react to the chill creeping over your spine.

I have a tail.

You texted your sisters along with your address. Looking around you decided to go into the shopping mall a few shops ahead.

Slipping inside you found the biggest shop and disappeared amongst the people. You didn't dare look behind you instead slipping through the isles, ducking and weaving while pretending to look at clothes.

No matter what you did, the feeling of being watched always found you. The hairs on your neck refusing to go down. Scanning the crowd you didn't notice anyone looking suspicious.

"Looking for me?" A smooth voice said by your ear causing you to tense.

"Your going to come with me" they continued in a calm but commanding voice. You could feel them behind you, they were tall and smelled of fancy cologne.

"Sorry you must have me mistaken"you turned to look at them a sheepish smile on your face, you felt your heart pick up when you saw his face but you didn't let it show. Purple hair styled nicely, lilac eyes and a charming, condescending smirk that was as attractive as much as it was irritating.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you" you scratched the back of your head looking confused.

"I'm really not interested in anything and I hope you find who your looking for" you have a small wave and tried to walk away but he wrapped an arm around your waist speaking into your ear.

"Don't play dumb darling, I know who you are and you are coming with me" he still sounded calm, you shoved him away forcefully.

"Dude personal space!" You hissed, he looked at you amused. You were locked in a stairing contest for a few moments but really you were waiting. As soon as someone walked between the two of you, you ran.

You could tell he was following but didn't care, you just had to get out of here and loose him. There was a security guard down the walkway and you ran full speed to him.

He tried to scold you for running as you hastily tried to explain what was happening, he looked concerned but froze when you felt a hand on your shoulder. He bowed quickly and walked away.

"Useless" you muttered with a sigh before turning to face your pursuer. He still looked amused, you didn't look so amused when I robbed you, but you kept that thought to yourself.

"You won't be getting away from me" he smiled lazily, but there was something in his eyes, in his aura. A danger that was almost alluring, his eyes told you he enjoyed the hunt.

"Let's see about that" you smiled before punching him in the stomach a follow up knee to the crouch.

He crouched over in pain and you ran again, bolting for the side exit. You and your sisters had cased this place before so you knew the side alley opened out to two streets.

Get onto either of them and you could slip away, at least that's what you thought - bursting through the door you started to run when someone grabbed you holding you tightly in place, a cloth going over your nose and mouth as they pinned your arms to your side. You struggled as much as you could but the chemicals burned your nose quickly seeping into your body and forcing it to shut down.

Your eyelids were so heavy, why were they so heavy?

Your whole body was sluggish, as if you'd had a big night out and your brain wasn't functioning yet.

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