Fell for you - Draken

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"Listen we've got a meeting tonight but we can't leave you home alone" you rolled your eyes at your bothers as they looked down at you.

"I'm fine to stay home guys" you tried, they both stared at you

"after last time no way"

"it was a small fire and I controlled it!" you argued back

"You nearly burnt the kitchen down"

"Emphasis on the nearly" Nahoya rolled his eyes.

"your coming with us we just need to keep you out of sight, can you do that?" you sighed dramatically falling back on Nahoya's bed but eventually agreed.

That's how you ended up at the Shrine watching all the members of Toman join together. There were a lot of people and thanks to your dark clothes you blended into the shadows so no-one noticed you. At first you were planning to sit at a distance and watch like you were told but you quickly grew bored and saw a tree line in the distance making you smile.


After the meeting Draken and Mikey were getting ready to leave when they saw Angry and Smiley looking worried and annoyed. The twins quickly ran off to the trees nearby, intrigued they followed the twins.

"What are you guys doing?" Mikey asked watching the twins running and looking up every tree.

"Looking for our sister" Angry replied annoyed

"You know they don't grow on trees right? And a story about storks isn't true either" Draken laughed.

"We had to bring her to the meeting with us. We told her to stay out of sight and she loves to climb trees, we're fairly certain she's asleep up there somewhere and she could fall. Wouldn't be the first time" Smiley said looking a little concerned.

"we'll help you look" Mikey said also looking up Draken sighed but joined him. There weren't a lot of trees but so far they hadn't spotted you.

"I'm going to kill her" Angry said annoyed and trying your phone again. Faintly Draken could hear the phone and started following the sound, keeping his eyes up. Eventually he spotted you high in one of the trees asleep like the twins had suspected. He laughed a little to himself thinking about how you slept like Mikey.

"I found her" he called out and the other 3 ran to him.

"She just had to go that high didn't she" Angry groaned before he and Smiley had a quick round of paper, scissors, rock which he lost causing another annoyed groan before he started climbing.

"Does she do this often?" Mikey asked smiling in amusement as Angry yelled out to his sister. When he was closer he screamed your name shocking you awake, the jolt made you loose your balance and you fell with a scream anticipating the painful collision with the ground only it didn't come, instead you felt a strong embrace as you were held tightly against someone's chest. Slowly peaking through your lashes you saw a tall boy with the sides of his head shaved and a dragon tattoo smirking at you, you gave him a sheepish smile in return.

"You know, I think I just fell for you" you say playfully and he laughed still holding you bridal style.

"Yeah I guess you did" he grins at you until you were interrupted by your brothers yelling at you for being so reckless, Draken carefully puts you down but leaves a hand on your waist as your brothers yell. You take a slight step back feeling his chest against you.

Nahoya and Souta made you apologise to Draken and Mikey before Nahoya grabbed your wrist pulling you to his bike. You climbed on waving to the other two boys with a big grin on your face. They just laughed at you.

"I never even knew they had a sister" Mikey laughed.

Back home you got scolded by your brothers again but they instantly stopped when you started apologising and crying. You had learnt to cry on command a long time ago, you did feel bad for making them worry but you were tired of being in trouble. They gave you a hug before you all parted for bed, Nahoya didn't realise you had snagged his phone - you quickly found Draken's number and wrote it down in your notebook before going to return the phone. Souta stood outside your door with his hand out, you smiled sheepishly handing the phone back.

"What did you do?" he asked with a sigh,

"Nothing "

"Y/N" he warned, you sighed "I changed the background" you said he shook his head walking away and telling you to go to bed.

You closed the door quickly finding your phone and sending a text to the number,

Thx for catching me tonight Dragon 

Tree girl? 

How did u get my number?


I'll catch u anytime

Maybe next time we catch some food?

Dont tell my brothers tho


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