Flashback - Mikey

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You were reading the news on your phone. Another article about a Toman fight that had ended in the death of a young woman and her brother. A sad sigh escaped you - so this is what Toman had become.

Putting your phone away you tried to shake the chill that had settled over you. A warning that something was coming.

You heard the sigh of someone coming beside you, doing your best to ignore him even when he started yelling about still being a virgin - until you felt him grab your arm pulling you onto the train tracks with him. Surprise overtook you, shock at being pulled into the path of an oncoming train. 

There was no time to get away, the train was too close. Your last move was to grab the hand of whoever pulled you onto the tracks - some form of solidarity in your final moments, there was no time to be mad you just didn't want to be alone - bracing for impact only, the impact never came.

Your eyes opened to a familiar face that you hadn't seen in years. 

Emma Sano with her large eyes and perfectly styled hair was clicking her fingers in front of your face.

"Seriously Y/N, your worse than Mikey" she scolded with an irritated sigh as you just sat there in confusion. Emma had died years ago in a freak accident and yet here she sat looking so vibrant and wearing your old school uniform.

"Were you feeling nostalgic?" the words spilled out of you as if her uniform was the weirdest thing going on right now. Looking around it seemed like you were in your homeroom from school, groaning you rubbed your temples trying to ease the growing headache.

"What are you on about? You feeling okay?" Emma questions changing from annoyed to genuinely concerned bringing her fingers to your forehead. As soon as her warm fingers touched your skin you flinched away - she felt so real.

But she couldn't be, you remembered the train - the pain from hitting the tracks and the rumble of the train ready to end your life. This must be the flashback people spoke of - seeing your life play out before you died. What an odd moment to chose though? An unimportant school day where Emma was no doubt complaining about Draken and his bike.

It was Emma though, she'd been your best friend and it made sense that in your final moments you wanted to see her. She'd been on your mind when the train came, it was her anniversary after all.

"You look so real" you said quietly, tears building in your eyes. Emma's look of concern grew. She opened her mouth a few times trying to find her next words but they stuck in her throat. Her eyes flicked to the door as someone entered calling your name. You turned quickly with a racing pulse to see a young and happy Manjiro Sano.

Manjiro Sano, your first love - he'd broken up with you after he lost Emma and Draken, you tried to fight him and stay but he refused. That wasn't the Manjiro before you now -

"Mikey?" you asked quietly, he ran to you with a large smile on his face.

"Hey, I thought you were meeting me out front" he ruffled your hair affectionately before smoothing it.

"I - I -" you stuttered trying to pull your thoughts together.

"She's been acting really weird, I think you should take her home" Emma told him, both siblings now looked at you with concern.

"Actually I died" you finally got out, "Maybe this is my afterlife, with two of the people I loved most"

"Y/N what are you talking about? Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" Mikey asked holding your cheeks and examining your face and head.

"Someone pulled me onto the train tracks, I was hit by a train but when I opened my eyes I was here" confusion heavy in your voice as you heard the words out loud, you sounded crazy. You looked at the siblings desperately committing their image to your memory as you waited for them to leave or disappear like they had before.

Neither of them knew what to say, Draken entered the room scolding Mikey for taking so long but you saw him sneaking looks at Emma - he'd always loved her and his death had destroyed her.

"Hey Kenny" you said choking up slightly. He looked at you strangely.

"You good? You never call me Kenny" he scrutinised you.

"I'm going to take Y/N home and look after her, I'll stay until you feel better ok?" Mikey said with a small smile kissing your forehead before helping you to your feet. You head and heart decided that you didn't care what this was - flashback or dream or even death - you were going to enjoy your time with your first love and the best friends you'd ever had.

You smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss just to see him blush.

"Yeah, let's go" 

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