Judgement time

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You stood between the Haitani brothers as Toman emerged, their numbers were low but the 1st division captain was leading them with determination. He knew he'd lose but he was ready to fight.

"I like him" you said watching as he yelled hyping up his members.

"What was that?" Ran grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him and his raised brow.

"Not what I mean and you know it" you rolled your eyes.

" I like his determination, they're a strong unit even missing their major players" you commented as Izana and Takemichi faced off.

"Shut your mouth, they are nothing - your only job is to crush them" Kisaki hissed as he came up beside the three of you.

You stared at him with distain, you hated him and he didn't hold any respect for you. The only reason he wouldn't make a move against you was 1 because you could and would kill him and 2 because the brothers followed you everywhere.

If you walked away they would follow you fucking shit up in your wake. 

"Shut up Kisaki, you can't talk when you can't fight" you growled in annoyance, Kisaki always made you on edge - he was smart and liked to puppeteer things from the dark. He took a step towards you with a clenched fist but Rindo blocked him with a face that said 'try me I dare you'

The brothers knew you could handle yourself but just because you could doesn't mean you should have to. Kisaki took a step back a scowl on his face.

"Watch yourself Y/N" he growled walking away.

"Someone really needs to deal with him" you noted, Ran had an arm around your shoulder pulling you against him as they looked over the Toman members. He grinned spotting two boys with blue hair,

"Oh Rindo, I think those two look like fun" he commented,

"You two go, I'm gonna sit back and watch for a bit" they nodded kissing you one on the head one on the cheek before making their way over to their rivals. You watched Kisaki, he was a problem that you decided to deal with.

You watched as Ran and Rindo were taken down with a scowl, you would remember the two blue haired boys for later but for now your attention was trained on Kisaki. The asshole actually brought a gun along, for a moment he aimed it at you but then realised you weren't his biggest concern, a decision he was going to regret.

When Izana was shot you saw red, Takemichi the crybaby  attacked Kisaki, pummelling him into the ground before he was hauled away on a bike.

"Not today Kisaki" you growled, Draken had appeared for Takemichi, you jumped on behind them both.

"We don't have time for questions move it we can't let that fucker get away" you said as you held on to the guy in front of you. Draken nodded and sped off following Kisaki's bike.

When he started to run you were hot on his tail along with Takemichi.

"Your dead Kisaki" you taunted him as he cried and argued with the Toman members swinging that stupid gun around. More of Toman appeared but that didn't matter, one way or another Kisaki was going to die today.

Sneaking up behind him you grabbed the gun and punched him in the face, hitting him again and sending him into the road - into an oncoming truck.

A sigh of relief left you, now he could no longer be a problem. Your rage at him for killing Izana was grateful to see his blood on the ground.

You smiled and dusted your hands turning back to the shocked Toman members.

"He's been causing problems for far too long, if any of you want revenge for him, throw yourself in front of a bus" they watched as you walked away, you bowed passing Mikey, Draken and Takemichi.

"You three are strong, I imagine I'll be seeing you again" you winked before heading back to the fight.

It was well over now, the ambulances were collecting the injured people and you saw Ran and Rindo being carried away.

"Well at least it wasn't a totally disappointing day, those two are never gonna hear the end of this" you grinned.

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