Home Late - Mikey - Part 2

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*** not my artwork - credit to the artist*** 

Mikey walked forward narrowing his eyes when he spotted you.

You were on your knees, hair was loose around your face, lip cut and swollen, hands tied behind your back, black button up shirt open revealing your bra underneath and a number of bruises across your front.

You looked up relief in your eyes upon seeing Mikey - he felt his rage building seeing how beaten you were, the side of your face bruised and swelling, one eye barely open.

You laughed looking at the guy who had been beating you up. His fist still coated in your blood.

"Your so fucked" you laughed seeing how angry Mikey was. Your captor backhanded you to stop your laughter, your head flew to the side blood dripping from your lips. Mikeys rage intensified at the sight - how dare he touch you.

"Kill them all no survivors" Mikey commanded walking towards you. Some people tried to stop him but they were quickly disposed of, either by him or one of the others. The rival gang leader hoisted you to your feet using you as a human shield when he saw how quickly his gang was disposed of.

Slightly shaking at the sight of Manjiro Sano walking forward like the damned grin reaper. The Boten executives acting as his dealers of death. Mikey was known to sit in the background and let them handle things, the fact that he was leading them now to save her meant no-one from his gang would live past tonight.

"Come on Y/N, I thought you said you could fight" Sanzu joked with you, attempting to lighten the mood but mostly to ground you - they were here and it was all okay, you chuckled in response wincing as the hand in your hair tightened.

"I took down 5 with my bare hands asshole. Another 6 or 7 before that" you grinned slightly, grimacing as your hair was pulled again. If he didn't ease up you were afraid of ending up with a bald patch.

"Shut up bitch" you captor growled punching you in the ribs. You felt at least one crack at the impact, the air leaving your lungs as you doubled over - only he wouldn't let you, pulling you back upright by your hair - showing your expression of pain to your fellow executives.

"Let her go you bastard" Rindou snarled, already looking forward to hearing the man's bones snap. A broken bone for every bruise to the women he claimed as a little sister.

"I'd let her go if I were you" Ran commented walking closer. The guy behind you was the only one left, but they were at a standstill, no one willing to risk you in taking him down.

"Stay still or I shoot" the guy yelled pulling a gun to your temple. Your eyes went to Mikey, you wanted him to be the last thing you saw if you were going to die but no, when you looked at him you saw the determination, he wasn't going to let you die. You couldn't give up yet.

"Let her go and I'll make your death quick" Mikey said calmly, his voice a stark contrast from the anger radiating from him, settling into every corner of the room.

"I'm walking out of here Sano, and I'm taking her with me as collateral" the gang member yelled, you judged how tightly he was holding you. Your hands were tied to tight to be of any use but you took notice of his stance, he still had a fist full of your hair so you knew your next move was going to hurt but it was the opening the others needed.

You lifted your leg stopping heavily on his foot and ducking low as he bent over in pain, that was all they needed and a fury of shots sounded, seconds later there was a loud thud as he fell to the ground. Your scream echoed from his grip on your hair and the pain from your ribs but finally he released you.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys" you wheezed smiling in relief before coughing up blood. Mikey turned and left the building without a word and a new pain filled your chest, he was disappointed in you, he had to be.

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