Fight Club Recruitment - Kanto Manji Gang

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"Mikey wants new fighters right? I know exactly where to find them." Hanma grinned as he led the others down an alley way. Hanma had convinced Ran, Kakucho, Wakasa, Rindo and Shion to accompany him to what he described as 'Japans greatest brawlers ring'.

It was a place where people came with no affiliations to fight, you could be a gang member, Yakuza or just a random from the street wanting to let off some steam. A regular place for Hanma to hang out and occasionally make some cash as well.

"Where are you taking us Hanma?" Wakasa asked in a bored voice.

"You don't really think a fight club would be easy to find do you?" Hanma replied turning the last corner. He knocked on the door and when he was recognised they opened for him.

"Now remember in here you are just yourselves, no gang shit but we can try to recruit" Hanma grinned looking around the abandoned warehouse. It had be renovated with raised fighting rings all over the place and various spots for others to sit and bet on the fights. It smelled of sweat, blood and had all of them getting excited. It had been a long time since they had just fought for the sake of it.

"I have someone in mind that I would like you all to meet" Hanma grinned leading the group through the crowds. "Novices are near the entrance but the big ring at the back is where you'll find the real gems." Arriving at the ring they saw a girl deliver a killer right hook taking down her huge opponent. The crowd roared with cheers and boo's as she was claimed the champion.

Wiping her bloody nose on the back of the hand she left the ring, quickly being intercepted by Hanma.

"Hey there Y/N long time no see" he grinned widely, she looked at him annoyed.

"What do you want Hanma?" her tone was flat as she grabbed her backpack and took out a towel wiping away some of the sweat and blood from her body. The rest of the group found themselves entranced by the girl before them, she wore a sports bra and shorts showing off her toned mid section, her hair falling messily around her as she tried to retie it. She looked around the group when her hair tie snapped stopping on Wakasa and Ran,

"Spare hair tie?" Wakasa took his hair out handing his over, she smiled gratefully and he felt a small blush burn on his cheeks.

"I came to talk about my proposal" Hanma said sitting down while she stood in front of him watching her closely.

"Asking to marry me again?" she smirked

"My heart has been crushed by you too many times for that" he said dramatically gripping his chest.

"Oh, so it's about joining your little club"

"I know you don't think much about it but I brought the captains along, I wanted them to see you in action and I wanted you to see some of our players, that's Kakucho the Defence Unit Captain, Pigtails is Ran he's the Special Attack Force Captain and Wakasa is the Commando Unit Captain-"

"So he's your boss?" She turned back to Hanma after the captains were introduced.

"I guess so" Hanma sighed,

"Fantastic, hey Wakasa, tell him to piss off and leave me alone" she smiled at the other boy while giving Hanma the finger.

"Why are you so against joining?" Rindo asked curiously.

"Because Gang shit is a lot, I have a life to live and bills to pay, can't do that running around after some teenager and fighting his friends."

"So why do you fight here?" Kakucho asked.

"Because I have bills to pay, I have a job and I make my extra cash here" She explained getting annoyed.

"We'll give you $5k to fight Hanma" Ran smiled amused while the others looked annoyed for a moment before agreeing.

"I don't want your money" She turned away but Hanma stopped her, draping his arm over her shoulders.

"Please, you would make a killing off that fight, I'm the undefeated champion of this place" Hanma bragged and she rolled her eyes.

"One fight against a big guy does not make you an undefeated champion, I could take you down in my sleep asshole" she growled trying to get away from him.

"Prove it then" he leaned down so they were face to face,

"Prove. Me. Wrong" he smiled sadistically, he knew what buttons to push to get her to fight. She punched him square in the jaw sending him to the side where the others caught him.

"You know the rules, in the ring" he sung walking over to the arena. The others followed watching as they climbed in, everyone stopped watching the fight that was going on giving their attention to the returning champs.

The two of them quickly KO'd the other contestants throwing them out of the ring.

"Ready Hanma? Cause I'm about to wipe the floor with you" she grinned, he smirked back.

"Bring it on baby" the two of them went at it trading punches like madmen. Hanma had blocked a few but she still get some heavy hits on him all while avoiding his fists.

At first he was holding back the others could tell, but pretty quickly he lost his patience throwing harder hits her way. They were fascinated with how she moved, ducking and weaving, she lined him up for a good shot and disappeared so he swung at air while landing her own hit on him.

"Weren't you meant to be the champ?" She taunted, he smirked again but they could all see the anger behind it.

"Luckily for you I'm done playing games" he smiled like a lunatic as he went full force. She was slower now only just missing his punches and collecting herself.

"If I win you join no argument" he yelled aiming for her face, a hit that would have knocked her out. Instead she crossed her arms blocking it,

"If I win, you fuck off and leave me alone" she yelled back, kicking him in the ribs.

"We'll pay you, more than you ordinary job does" Koko called out enjoying the fight, he wouldn't mind someone like her around. He could already tell the influence she could have on the other members.

After a few fake outs and taunting of Hanma, she landed a final hit to his jaw sending him to the ground KO'ing him as she breathed heavily. Her body heaving with every breath.

She climbed out of the ring to the people congratulating her and cheers behind her.

"I'll pay you double what your current job is" Koko said with a sly grin. The others still seemed surprised at her fight style, she looked irritated but she couldn't say no to that kind of money.

"Alright money man, let's talk". 

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