Heartbreak - Mikey

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***TW: SUICIDE****

"Takemichi what are you doing?!" Mikey screamed staring at his friend who had a gun to his girlfriends head.

"Takemichi? What did I do? I'm sorry for whatever I did!" the girl cried staring down the barrel, she couldn't believe her friend was pointing a gun at her. He was crying as he looked down at her.

"I'm so sorry Mikey, but this is the only way to save you" Takemichi cried his hand shaking as he held the weapon, he kept his eyes on the girl who was silently crying looking at him in shock and sadness.

"What are you talking about? Put the gun down we can talk about this" Mikey cried, Takemichi flinched hearing the pain and fear in his voice - he wasn't meant to be here, she was meant to be alone.

"Takemichi" she said quietly pulling his attention back to her face, she was still crying but there was something in her gaze.

"What did I do?" she asked again but this time he knew she was asking more.

"You twisted him into a killer, you made him into a monster, I've tried time and time again to stop you but I can't" her face fell the shock quickly turning to heartache.

"I broke him?" her voice broke on her words, Takemichi nodded sniffling. They had both drowned out Mikey who was being held back by Chifuyu - how they didn't know.

"Give me the gun Takemichi, I won't allow you to suffer from my death" she opened her eyes with a determined stare. Takemichi hesitated but then handed her the weapon, she nodded gratefully. She knew she had a darkness within her that she struggled to control, to hear that she was the one who broke Mikey... Her decision was made.

"I won't let any of you see this, thank you Takemichi" she turned to Mikey who was watching her with wide eyes.

"I love you Mikey, be better than me" she smiled before sprinting away, as she rounded the corner Mikey got free screaming after her. He had almost reached the corner when they heard the gunshot. Everyone froze in place, Takemichi had his eyes squeezed shut, the sound echoing through his mind.

Mikey dropped to his knees staring at the entrance of the alleyway, she was right around the corner but his leg's wouldn't carry him - they refused because as long as he couldn't see her she wasn't dead.

"I will never forgive you for this" he said lowly, Takemichi heard him and realised the mistake he had made.

This was how she broke him, this was what caused Mikey to become a killer... And it was all his fault.


Author Notes: This honestly came into my head and I had to share it, sorry it's short.

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