Rindou - Lemon

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***AN: I haven't really written stuff like this before but I wanted to try it 😂 hopefully it's not horribly cringe but lemon content ahead! Also credit to the artist of the attached photo it looks so good! ***

"Rin I'm bored" you huffed from the couch.
He sat on his bed reading something and barely sparing you a glance.
"Not my problem" he said uninterested. You sat up glaring at him hoping for some attention but he continued to ignore you.
"Fine, I'll go find someone else to entertain me" you stood waiting for him to respond but he didn't even look your way. Rolling your eyes you walked out of the room slamming the door. At first Rindo didn't care, he thought you would just walk back in but you didn't. Eyebrows creasing in confusion he got up and left the room looking for you.

He found you in the lounge area talking to Kokonoi, he had his arm draped over the couch fingers brushing against your shoulder. You were across from him smiling and sitting closer than Rin liked, he hadn't even noticed his brother walk up to him. Ran draped his arm over his younger brothers shoulders with a lazy grin on his face.

"You have a beautiful girl there, you can't expect to ignore her and keep her. Every man in this place is just waiting for the opportunity to take her from you. Don't give them the chance" he said into Rindo's ear before walking off to join you and Kokonoi on the couch.

"What are you two talking about?" he asked same lazy grin on his face as he leaned close to you. His chest up against your back.

"The new club Koko's opening, I can't wait to go" You said excitedly, Ran leaned forward putting his chin on your shoulder.
"Mmm, it opens tomorrow doesn't it? Are you going with Rin?" he asked watching your expression, your face fell.
"I don't know, he doesn't seem to want me around lately" Koko and Ran shared a look and Rindo had enough. He stormed into the room grabbing you by your hand and pulling you off the couch, once you were both out of sight Ran and Koko smirked at each other.

When you reached the room Rindou pushed you onto the bed and slammed the door shut behind you.
"What's wrong?" you asked confused but also excited, feeling your core heat up at his expression. He stalked towards you grabbing you jaw and pulling you close to him.
"You are mine, understand?" he demanded, smashing his lips against yours and kissing you so ferociously it took your breath away. He pulled back looking at your glazed expression and swollen lips, he felt his jealously rising again as he remembered the others  hands on you.
"Up" he commanded and you stood in front of him and he grabbed the hem of your shirt lifting it off you and looking over your chest with hungry eyes, you were wearing his favourite bra.
"Take off your pants" he commanded and you did as you were told leaving you in your underwear. His eyes raked over your skin as he stepped forward brushing his thumb over the tattoo of his name on your hip.
"Rin" you started putting your hand on the side of his face, his eyes met yours and he kissed you again, tongue demanding access and claiming your mouth. One hand around your waist the other sliding between your legs feeling how wet you were through your underwear. He briefly wondered if it was because of him or the guys outside and trust a finger into you aggressively, an explicit moan escaping you. He need to show you that you were his and his alone.

"Who do you belong to huh?" He asked trusting into you with his fingers, you were holding his arms for support as you tried to speak, your breathing heavy and focusing on worlds was a lot more difficult than it should be.
"You, I'm yours" you finally got out, an amused smirk on his face.
"Exactly" he kissed and nipped at your neck, adding pressure to your clit until you unravelled on his hand, squeezing his arms and moaning his name. He wasn't satisfied though, not yet.
He pushed you onto the bed climbing on top of you removing your underwear
"Now look at that baby, your soaked" he commented, his voice dancing off your skin.
You tried to pull him up to kiss you but he pinned your arms beside you, kissing and leaving marks across your chest as he made his way between your legs putting that skilled tongue to work. You no longer had control over your volume and he loved the lewd sounds you made as he pushed you to your second high. You came hard into his mouth before he stood removing his clothes and watching you like you were his favourite desert.
He climbed over you kissing you gently this time, making you taste yourself on him as he lined himself up. The first thrust slow and gentle but still taking the breath out of you, you'd known for a long time this man would be the cause of your death and this honestly seemed like a wonderful way to go, you thought as his hand tightened around your neck and he continued his slow strokes hitting your tender spot each time, he had you coming within seconds.
"Good girl" he whispered into your ear before dragging his teeth along the lobe. He picked up the pace snapping his hips against you harshly as he kissed you and squeezed your tits, swallowing your moans.

"Your mine baby girl, this pussy is mine, these lips, don't you ever forget that" he growled pushing above you and watching you squirm beneath him.

"Don't ignore me then" you whined and he went faster drilling you into the bed, you had your hand in your mouth biting down to stop from screaming but Rindou wasn't impressed with that and pinned your arms above your head fucking you hard until you came together.
His head dropping on your chest as you both tried to catch your breath.

  He got off of you disappearing into the bathroom, not long after he came back and picked you up carrying you to the bathtub where he sat you down and climbed in behind you.

"I love you" he whispered kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I love you to"

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