Tease - Sanzu

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TW - Explicit content ahead (not a lemon but leaning that way)

"Hi Zazu" you called out entering the room. The Boten Executives were all seated but you found a twisted kind of joy in teasing the pink haired idiot.

"It's Sanzu not Zazu you crazy bitch" he groaned dropping his head onto his arms. Ran patted his back in mock sympathy.

"I know what it is, I like Zazu better and you're up Mikey's ass like Zazu was up Mufasa's" you grinned dropping beside Koko who just shook his head at you. They were all used to your antics now but they knew if they interrupted or told you off for picking on Sanzu you would move to them.

"Y/N" Mikey said in warning, you looked to him seeing his raised brow which just made you shrug. You were the first women to be apart of Boten's executive members, Mikey had taken to you like a big brother which meant you could get away with a lot of shit others couldn't. It also helped you knew how to win each of the members over if you really needed to.

Grabbing your hand bag (a rather expensive gift from Koko,) you pushed a pastry bag across the table to your boss. He cautiously opened it a brief smile on his features, it was fleeting but you tried to get him to smile as much as you could.

"This is why she's my favourite" Mikey said, eating the treat. You turned to Sanzu poking out your tongue as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"Watch it or I'll put that mouth to use princess" he growled, you smirked in return.

"You couldn't handle my mouth Zazu" you replied seductively while giving him the finger.

Ran, Rindo and Koko tried to contain their laughter while Mikey, Kakucho and Takeomi just looked away annoyed.

"No more flirting" Takeomi said pointing to the two of you, you pouted looking innocent.
"Me? flirting in a work meeting? I would never"

"Mikey, where did you even find this kid?" he said turning to Mikey who shrugged. Honestly you shouldn't be where you are, originally you were sent to kill Mikey. You had been standing over him with the gun to his head but something made you stop, he looked dead already with the vacant look in his eyes. It reminded you of your older brother who wasn't around anymore. You had saved him that night and returned him to the safety of his men before dispatching to take out the people who hired you, Boten paid more. Your efficiency had gotten you recruited and your loyalty to Mikey helped you rise through the ranks.

Sanzu had never understood how you rose so quickly, none of them knew you were hired to kill Mikey, if they did you had no doubt there would be a bullet in your head.

You faded in and out of the meeting only listening to parts where you were involved.
"Y/N, Sanzu, you two need to find the mole in the corporation, they're leaking information to the cops. Nothing substantial yet but I want it taken care of" a grin took over your and Sanzu's face. The two of you didn't like each other but you certainly enjoyed killing.

"Yes sir" you saluted, he shook his head and ended the meeting taking off with the other members while you leaned back in your chair tapping you cheek thoughtfully.

"What's going through that crazy head of yours?" Sanzu asked watching you closely.

"Running through the Boten employee's, figuring out who's most likely to rat" you looked at him briefly before continuing, your brain running through names and faces.

"How could you possibly know every person working for Boten?" Sanzu's tone was laced with annoyance and disbelief.

"I do my research idiot, I know the members and who works under who, it's why I'm usually in charge of internal issues. I find them, Mikey deals with them, you kill them, it's good system although I would prefer to be killing them as well" his eyes widened looking at you as you continued to stare at the ceiling swinging in your chair.

"I have a good memory" you commented when you noticed he was still staring. Standing you walked to the whiteboard and started writing names, Sanzu recognised a few as men under him.

"It wont be any of my men" He told you in an authorities tone. You held up a finger silencing him and demanding a minute. The total list came to 15 people.

"It's one of them" you said confidently. He demanded more of an explanation causing you to role your eyes, you hated explaining yourself, life would be easier if people just did what you said.

"They're people with families that can be used as leverage, they have more than just the basic information on Boten but also don't have access to anything important hence why the police have only been busting our lower dealers not the big boys. None of them are genius's and if the police applied the right kind of pressure they could crack. I know for a fact at least 5 of these guys have been to prison and were snitches inside. If you talk to them I guarantee one of them is bound to slip up." you tossed the white board marker to him while he looked at you impressed, getting to his feet he smirked stalking towards you, forcing you to look up to continue eye contact.

He was trying to intimidate you, you knew that, but the smell of his cologne was rather dizzying.

"Good work Princess, maybe you're not just a pretty face" he said in a low voice running his thumb across your bottom lip. Eyes moving between your lips and your eyes.

"Wow you really think so" you said sarcastically, giving him wide eyes. His smirk grew, he leaned close whispering in your ear sending chills across your skin.

"I would love to see a face like that while you're on your knees in front of me" his breath was hot against your ear, despite the heat and tingling he caused to surge through your body, you commanded yourself to take charge. Running your hand up his chest and into his hair you gripped it hard pulling his head so you could turn your face to whisper back in his ear.

"I guess you better get a good imagination because I won't get on my knee's for you but you could certainly get to your knees for me" you heard his sharp intake of breath as he pulled away a mischievous grin on his face, pulling at his scars.

"You know working together might not be so bad" he looked you over and you raised an eyebrow, "I'll follow you Princess, I love watching that ass move" you hadn't noticed but somehow his hand was on your hip sliding back to grab your ass and squeeze.

"Then enjoy the show pinkie, it's as close as you'll get" you smiled seductively before pushing him back and walking out of the room, you heard him whistle at you but didn't look back.

Teasing him was always fun but that was different and you wondered if he was feeling as hot and flustered as you were. Anyone else and you probably would have fucked on the table but something about him made you want to tease him, push him to the edge of his restraint.

You hadn't realised he was also pushing you to yours, you just had to make him crack first.

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