Collateral - Boten

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You stormed into the building in a rage.

Your asshole ex had taken out a sizeable loan  with a loan shark and put you down as the collateral. You had 12 hours to come up with 60k or your ass was toast.

"Excuse me miss are you ok?" the lady behind the counter asked.

"I'm not, I need you to help me out and tell me what room Hunter James is in" you asked showing her a photo on your phone. 

"I'm sorry miss but I can't do that"

"Listen I know there are rules but you need to tell me right fucking now, this is literally my life or death"
"I'm sorry miss I really am but I can't -"

"Then call your manager" you said trying to contain yourself, the lady didn't deserve your rage and you knew that but you couldn't control it. If you survived you'd send her a gift basket.

"Please -"

"Call your manager or whoever the fuck is the top of the chain here because I am not leaving until I know what room that asshole is in and believe me, the longer I have to stay the worse I'll get"  you slammed your hand against the desk causing her to jump.

"Now now darling, calm down and lets see if we can get this sorted hmm?" someone put their arm around your shoulder but you quickly shoved them off.

"Back off asshole, unless your the manager I'm not interested".

"I'm one of the highest people in this building so you should show some respect". You turned to see a tall man with slicked back pink and purple hair, violet eyes and a tailored suit. 

"My name is Ran Haitani, may I know yours?" 

"Y/N, I'm looking for this guy, I know he checked in here" I pulled up the photo on my phone causing the tall man to chuckle. 

"How do you know he's checked in here?" 

"Because he used my credit card" you growled. 

"Are you sure you want to see him? He might have brought someone here?" He raised an eyebrow watching you carefully.

"I don't care who or what he's fucking, I'm here to kick his fucking ass" he chuckled again, seemingly quite amused with you

"You've got quite a mouth on you, come with me and let's get this sorted out" he walked away and you reluctantly followed huffing. In the elevator he watched you, eyes roaming over your body. In any other circumstance, if you weren't running off pure rage you might have been checking him out to. 

"So much anger he must have really upset you" 

"Upset doesn't really cover it" 

"What'd he do?" he asked as the door opened, you waited for him to lead but he stood still watching you. 

"Did he cheat? Steal some money? Break up with you?" he taunted. 

"Does it matter, he's staying here and I need to know where" he moved forward incredibly quickly grabbing your jaw tightly. 

"Listen here little girl, as amusing as you are, the attitude stops now. If you want my help behave yourself" his voice was low and warning, you stared back at him defiantly despite the tingling between your legs. 

"Follow me and keep that pretty mouth shut ok? You don't speak unless spoken to" he ran his thumb over your bottom lip staring at you with hungry eyes. You thought he was going to kiss you but he let you go and left the elevator leaving you standing there in a daze. Shaking your head your felt your rage building again as you stormed after him. Stupid good looking jerk, you weren't some puppy that would just obey.

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