Cookies -Izana

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"Excuse me sir would you like to buy some cookies?"

He didn't know why he stopped.

He hated children.

But this little h/c haired child has caught his attention. Maybe it was because they were selling their cookies in a dangerous part of town.

Maybe it was because they looked so hopeless and lifeless at such a young age. 

Maybe it's because he felt reminded of himself somehow.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, they stared at him with wide eyes. He must have been the first person to respond, the full desk of cookies said as much.

"Stop staring" he commanded and they're eyes went impossibly wider as they quickly looked away.

"Sorry sir, you're so beautiful " they said sheepishly before picking up a box.

"I'm selling cookies so I can raise money" they smiled brightly and Izanas head tilted studying them. The smile was fake, no child this young should have a fake smile.

"Why here, it's dangerous here" he commented and they again looked down seeming a little embarrassed.

"My dads in there, he said I could sell cookies out here while he takes care of business" the child pointed to a well known brothel and Izanas blood boiled, why he couldn't tell but he knew he wasn't leaving this child here alone.

"Do you like your dad?" He asked them and they were silent for a moment.

"Sometimes he's a really really good daddy -"

"And sometimes he's not" Izana finished for them.

"How long have you been out here?" He asked and they shrugged.

"Not sure, I don't have a watch" they replied their voice growing smaller, he could see the pink burn starting on their skin.

"Why don't you come with me, I can keep you safe and we can sell all your cookies, you'll never be alone again."

They stared at him quietly, their little mind  turning. Eventually they nodded, Izana smiled as they walked around the table and motioned for him to pick them up.

He picked them up holding them with one had while he called Kakucho with the other. The child clinging to him so tightly as if he might dissapear.

Within 20 minutes the heavenly kings and their vices where with Izana, surprised at the child he was playing with.

"Who's this little one?" Ran asked leaning down with a grin, they smiled back and Izana realised, he was going to 'adopt' this child without even knowing their name.

"Y/N" they said happily reaching for Rans hair, 

"so pretty and long" they smiled, Izana felt himself smile too. They were properly smiling now, it was beautiful.

"They're under Tenjiku's charge now, we're just waiting for their dad to finish his 'buisness'" Izana nodded towards the brothel.

"Did he leave you all alone out here?" Ran asked in a calming voice, Izana was surprised at how good he seemed with children.

"We're gonna take great care of you, I'll start by buying all your cookies hmmm?" They gasped and grinned so widely at Ran, throwing themselves into a big hug.

"Thank you, thank you" they giggled as Ran swung them around.

"Now tell me what's your dads name so I can go tell him. They told Ran and he gathered the others, Izana nodded to them confirming the order while Kakucho stayed to help them pack up the stand.

When they finished packing up Y/N ran back to Izana with a big smile.

"Thank you, for being my prince like in stories! I prayed for you every night"  They smiled cuddling into him.

"Now you'll get to live happily and never alone again" he vowed.

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