Party - Izana

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Pic is not mine, all credit to the original artist***

Come to the Party, they said.
It'll be fun, they said.
Your ex won't even be there, another lie.

You sighed slowly sipping your drink, your friends had all disappeared - a few were upstairs fooling around, another was sitting on the lap of some popular dude fake laughing at his horrible jokes, and another on the dance floor, grinding against a guy so desperately you wondered why they didn't just get a room.

You didn't even want to come to the party, you hated parties. The loud drunk people that screamed at you trying to string a sentence together, the music so loud and bassy you felt it vibrating your chest. You'd tried escaping a few times but amazingly one of your friends appeared and talked you into staying.

Then came the real kicker, you looked at the entrance and watched your ex walk in. Smoke in hand girl on the other, shit eating grin that you wanted to punch away.

You rolled your eyes, he liked showing up with girls to try and get a rise out of you - you knew this was the case because he would follow you around the party gloating, he enjoyed psychologically fucking with you but you were so beyond done.

He just hadn't taken the hint yet.

His eyes scanned the room eventually landing on you but you looked away, only feeling the heat from his intense stare.

With an empty cup, you disappeared from his line of sight heading for the kitchen and another drink. It didn't take him long to find you in there and start talking obnoxiously about his date of the night, you just continued slipping away. You could tell it was starting to piss him off but what else were you meant to do.

As the night went on you found a way to start enjoying yourself, you refused to leave because of him. Your buzz making the party less miserable, his making him a mess.

He got drunk and stumbled over to you grabbing your wrist and refusing to let go as he tried to kiss you, his 'girlfriend' lost it before storming out of the party.

Honestly good for her but you kinda wished she'd dragged him out to.

He started rambling,

"I'm sorry, they meant nothing to me"
"I love you"
"I'll forgive you"
"Come back to me"

He went on and on,

"Hanma fuck off, your drunk"

'Letting go of you was a mistake" he said wrapping his arm around your waist, as much as you tried to get him off he wouldn't let go.

Then he was suddenly on the floor, a guy stood before you with platinum hair and honey skin.

"She said fuck off" he growled at the idiot before turning to you,

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, thank you" you bowed quickly relieved, you saw Hanma starting to get back up and grabbed the newcomers hand.

"Can I ask you for one more favour?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you single?" He nodded,

"Can you help me show him he's lost?" You asked nervously, he was gorgeous and you couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw the image of you and another man in Hanmas mind.

"I'd be happy to" the boy smirked backing you up against a wall, your heart picked up as he got closer, you could see the purple in his eyes and the muscles peaking out of his shirt. The delicious smirk on his lips as he eyed you like prey.

He didn't waste any time putting his lips on yours, the kiss hungry, passionate.

Better than any kiss you'd had before and he was a stranger.

His arm snaked around your waist, squeezing your skin and holding you to him. The other hand moved to the back of your neck angling your mouth so he could kiss you harder and deeper.

A moan escaped as he held you against him, all thoughts running away from you as the kiss consumed you. Your pulse beating heavily, a throb beginning lower.

Eventually he broke away, leaving you breathless.

'He's gone," the guy smirked still holding you close.

"I guess so" you replied in a daze, still staring into his eyes.

"Izana" he said and you shook your head trying to shake some braincells back.


"My names Izana" he smiled and you laughed at your own stupidity.

"Oh, I'm Y/N"

"It's very nice to meet you Y/N" he smirked leaning down to kiss you again.

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