Interesting - Ran

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It was your first day in a new city and as you walked down the street you couldn't help but smile hearing the signs of a fight, yelling, screaming, flesh meeting flesh. Your feet carried you towards what seemed to be a junk yard.

You thought this place would be so boring but maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all it only took you 10 minutes to find a fight, record time even for a magnet of trouble like you.

Walking in you saw a large group going at it with spectators littered around the side. Without meaning to you stopped beside two boys sitting on cars watching the fight with bored expressions - one with braids and another with glasses and highlighter hair.

"They're really going for it" you said in surprise, talking to yourself and watching some of the hits those boys were throwing out, they were impressive. The one with braids looked at you surprised to see you there, he hadn't even heard you approaching.

"What are you doing here?" He asked gaining his brothers attention. They didn't expect to see a girl at one of these fights all the girls they knew hated fighting.

"Watching the fight, what does it look like?" You shrugged looking back at the fight. His eyebrow raised while you wondered if anyone could jump into the fight, you hadn't hit anyone in a while and the chance to jump into a brawl had your bouncing on your heels.

"Do you know who I am?" He dragged your attention back, you looked at him thoughtfully before clicking your fingers in front of you.

"Wednesday Adams! You know I loved your movies when I was younger" you grinned and the highlighter hair failed to stop a laugh.

"Pugsly you grew up to, good thing you grew into your looks but apparently didn't grow out of the stripes" you motioned to his hair, it was braids turn to laugh as highlighters jaw dropped.

"Who the hell are you!" Highlighter demanded

"Y/N, nice to meet ya" you went to shake their hand and they just stared at you.

"Right I'm not actually from here" you said dropping your had, they rolled their eyes in perfect sync

"You don't say, I'm Ran Haitani, this is my brother Rindou" you smiled at them both

"Nice to meet you guys" you said before turning back to the fight, watching as one of the guys got cornered on a car pile and hit with a pipe.

"Surely he's not going to get back up" you muttered to yourself.

"Oop there he goes" you continued talking to yourself as the blonde got back to his feet and landed some killer kicks, maybe you could get him to teach you how to do that.

"Are you actually enjoying this?" Rindou asked in a surprised voice, he saw the way you were bouncing and analysing the fight - at first he thought it was nerves but then he realised it was excitement. You gave him a questioning look

"No I just came to scope out my future ride , what do you think?" He shook his head with a laugh while his brother smiled down at you.

"Do you want to fight?" Ran asked also noticing your behaviour.

"Hell yeah, This looks like fun but it seems like it's a gang thing and I'd rather fly solo" you made a wave motion with your arm before dropping it and shrugging, feeling more comfortable you sat down on the car below Ran, someone came up to you yelling and you readied yourself for a fight but he quickly stopped looking afraid and apologised. You knew it wasn't because of you, everyone underestimated you and only apologised after you kicked their asses - no he stopped because of one of the boys behind you, turning to look at them Ran smirked down at you and a feeling of unease washed over you.

"You know what kid, your with us from here on" he told you ruffling your hair.

"'Scuse me, I don't remember asking to join you both and don't touch the hair" you growled trying to pat it back into place.

"Maybe so, but your ours now little one, so keep on entertaining us" Rans smirk turned into a smile you felt your heart pick up. Ooohhhhh that's not good.

"I feel like I've made a mistake" you said eyeing him suspiciously.

"You definitely have but it's too late now, you've got my attention" he hadn't stopped grinning so you jumped to your feet.

"Nice to meet you both but I'm gonna go" you used both thumbs to point to the exit but before you could take a step Ran was in front of you, shit he moves quick. You tried to step back but where met with Rindo's chest, you were caged between two attractive men and you knew that only spelled trouble, especially since you didn't have the best track record - if you thought a boy was hot it meant they were deranged and full of red flags..... nice to know the radar was still working.

"Your not going anywhere little one, your ours now" Ran leaned down to your height twirling a strand of your hair around his fingers. He was leaning closer to you when someone yelled cops and everyone started taking off. With a wicked grin Ran grabbed your hand and pulled you after him to his bike.

"On" he demanded, as much as you wanted to argue you knew you couldn't get in trouble from the cops this early, your family would murder you then revive you and send you to a nunnery.

"Get me outta here Wednesday" you jumped on holding his waist loosely, you heard him chuckle and floor his bike making you grab him tighter on instinct.

Yeah this will be interesting

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