The Bloody Halloween - Mikey

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"How are you not worried about them?" Hina asked again chewing on her nails dread filling her.

"Because I know them and they are strong Hina. Draken and Mikey wont fail, they'll protect everyone including Takemichi" Emma tried to reassure her but Hina wouldn't rest, her unease starting to rub off on her friend.

Will they really be ok?

We can't go there, we'll only be in the way but what can we do?....

"Hina, I have an idea – I know someone we can call but Mikey and Draken might kill us for it" she said hesitantly.

"I'll deal with whatever they throw at us, make the call Emma please, I have a really bad feeling about today", Emma picked up her phone and pressed the speed dial, her call answered after two rings.

"Hey Em, what's up?"

"I need help"

"I'm on my way"

"Who was that" Hina asked,

"Mikey girlfriend, who also happens to lead a gang" Emma replied with a small smile.

The car yard was chaos, even more so when a gang of girls entered catching the attention of all the spectators. The plan was to watch the fight and offer assistant to Toman only if needed – that was until something caught their leader's eye.

Mikey, the leader of Toman was being held in place by two members of Valhalla while another beat him with a pipe.

"Fuckers, Himari you're in charge" she growled disappearing into the fight, her vice commander Himari watched as she attacked anyone separating her from the Toman leader. The boys of Toman were outnumbered and loosing hope by the looks of things,

"Angels" Himari called out to her gang "go protect Toman" the girls let out a fierce battle cry entering the battle to the surprise of the spectators and fighters.

"Get the girls out of here!"

"What the fuck are they doing?!"

"They're fair game!"

"Fuck the bitches up"

Fists collided and the girls quickly proved they were just as tough as the boys.

"Who are they?" Takemichi called out, Chifuyu was close by with a smile on his face.

"Takemichi meet the angels" his grin grew as the girls spread through the battlefield helping to defend the Toman members, with the appearance of the angels giving Toman a moment of relief.

Draken looked up and saw Mikey was laying on his side on the large car pile, in front of him stood a h/c haired girl looking dishevelled and ready to decimate anyone in her way. Valhalla members had tried to make it to Mikey but she wouldn't let them anywhere near him. The original two that had been holding Mikey were unconscious on the floor from her and Mikey's beatings.

"That's Mikey's Wifey and she's going to destroy them" Draken smiled proudly, "Anyone who tries her now that Mikey is hurt has a death wish".

Looking at her expression of rage and fierce determination – there was no doubt this girl would take down an army on her own for him. Takemichi found him self reminded of his friends when he looked at her.

"Baji, Kuzutora – either of you come near Mikey again and I will kill you" you growled watching the two as they attempted to get close.

"Come on Y/N, get down and go home, leave this between Toman and Valhalla"

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