I'll Protect You - Mikey

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You watched Mikey as he sat at the head of the table, you often wondered what life might be like if the tragedies of his youth hadn't changed him so. You could picture him and Shinichiro working in the bike shop together while Emma taught at a nearby school.

You lost your older brother, he was hit in the head in a botched robbery - the irony was they were trying to steal a bike for Mikey that was already going to be given to him.

Emma was murdered, she was never involved in the delinquent world but she was still targeted. Izana your younger half brother had also been killed.

It was one tragedy after another, like the universe had some cosmic vendetta against your family. You were away when Emma died but you came home as soon as you heard, you saw how broken Mikey was and when you saw Emma, when you had to bury her... your soul broke as well.

It was you and Mikey now, you were both already protective and after everything that happened it was in overdrive. He had built a whole criminal organisation and it was all apart of his plan to keep his big sister safe.

Someone nudged your arm and you looked to Kokonoi with a bored expression, he raised an eyebrow and you realised Mikey was staring at you.

"Sorry zoned out," you said with a lazy smile.

"I asked for your advice" he said rolling his eyes, you sighed heavily recalling the conversation before you zoned out.

"Sent pinkie pie and the lilac ponies to deal with them, they'll feed their blood lust and the problem gets solved" you suggested looking at the three across the table. They looked excited at the thoughts of another brawl.

Mikey watched you carefully dismissing the others after confirming your order.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting and looking at you.

"Are you sleeping?" You ignored him taking in his appearance, you knew he needed help but it was near impossible to make him see that.

"Sleeping is a luxury I can't afford"

"Your rich enough to afford anything, including a few hours sleep. You know that I or the other executives would never let anything happen to you Mikey" you softened your voice using your supportive big sister tone.

"Don't do that" he looked emotionless.

"Don't do what?"

"Act like that, don't act like you care" he growled and you resisted the urge to throw your water bottle at him.

"Of course I fucking care about you Mikey, that's the whole reason I'm in this gang and life. So I can be by your side and have your back." He watched you intently before nodding.

"I'm sorry,"

"You should be. I made you a promise all those years ago and I have never once let you down"

"What we're you thinking about when you spaced out?" His tone softened, the leader persona dropped slightly.

"Our siblings. I miss them. I was thinking what our lives might look like if they were still here" you said honestly.

It was quiet for a few moments, he seemed thoughtful.

"What was it like?" He asked and you smiled to yourself.

"You and Shinchiro would be working in the bike shop together, Draken would be there too. Emma would have been a teacher, her and Draken would get married. Izana, you and Shinichiro all made up and he came to family dinners, sometimes helped at the shop" you smiled thinking about it, the laughter and smiles and stupid little arguments that would take place.

"Where would you be?" His voice grew smaller and smaller.

"Who knows? I never was the most reliable when we were younger" you grinned widely.

"I would probably be running a muck and stressing Shinichiro to no end, running around with Wakasa, bringing gifts for you guys whenever I get home..." you felt your eyes watering as you thought.

"I would always come home for family dinner though and we would all laugh about our delinquent days, you would probably still run some kind of gang but it would be a fun one with all your friends." Your eyes drifted to him.

"You had to go through so much so young, I wish I could have protected you from that" tears fell from your eyes now as he stared at the table. This was the first time in years he had allowed talk of his siblings.

"I still see them, all the time, everywhere I look" you sighed, every young girl with blonde hair, every tall guy with black hair and a smoke, every kid with white hair.... "I - I'm tired of everyone leaving" you whimpered at the end and your brother finally looked at you, he hadn't seen you cry in years.

The last time was when Emma had died, he remembered your screams as you held her while she was cold and stiff.

How your friends had to carry you from the room and you tried to fight them. Wakasa had gotten a broken nose and Takomi had walked away with a black eye.

Your screams had haunted him for years, even though you always told him it wasn't his fault he felt like it was.

You hadn't left his side since, for the longest time you always looked afraid that he was going to disappear too. You had both held onto eachother so tightly, he built an empire for the goal of protecting you - but even he couldn't protect you from the memories or the what if's.

He remembered you when Shinchiro was alive, only a year younger and so carefree. You went wherever life took you, often travelling for months on end before returning like only a day had passed. All his friends and Shinchiros friends had liked you, you had been apart of the black dragons and helped him and the others establish Toman.

Shinichiro always worried about you, how reckless you could be. You changed when he died, you didn't travel anymore, you looked after your siblings like he used too.

You tried to make him proud of you, he had always been proud of you but somehow you never believed it.

Your first holiday since he left was when Emma and Izana died. Mikey hadn't told you about the conflict instead encouraging you to go and be free again. You never forgave yourself for leaving.

You ended your relationship with Wakasa, and shut yourself off from the world for the longest time.

Mikey left his chair walking over and hugging you tightly, it was meant to be reassuring and supportive but it soon turned to a little brother being comforted by his older sister.

Mikey was all you had left. No one was going to take him from you.

Anyone who tried would wish they were dead.

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