She's a Demon

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"Don't be so judgy he needs me" Hina sighed through the phone.

"Hey it's not my fault your stupid boyfriend chose the delinquent life when he's no good at it,"

"Y/N!" Hina warned and you sighed in annoyance, once again your plans with your best friend were being postponed by her boyfriend who spent more time in the hospital than out due to his own punchable face. He thought himself a delinquent you thought of him more as a punching bag.

You met Hina at the entrance of the hospital, she had a small care package and you couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

"All right, let's go see the punching bag" you grinned, she yelled at you smacking your arm while you rolled your eyes.

Walking inside you a girl sitting with Takemichi, her head in his lap looking like there was a very lewd act happening - his hand on top of her hair as well.

Hina gasped loudly dropping the care package and running out of the room. Takemichi's head flew in your direction and widened as he shook his head trying to explain.

"Takemichi, if you weren't already in a hospital bed, I would put you in one for what you're doing to that girl" you shook your head walking off to find your friend.

A few days later Hina wanted to visit Takemichi, he had apparently grovelled and told her some story about the girl crying due to her friends fighting. You had sighed and told Hina to just dump the boy but it seemed she was too crazy for him.

Walking up to his apartment building you could hear yelling and smashing. Turning the corner a bike came flying your way which you ducked at the last minute.

"What the hell" you questioned shielding Hina as more items flew your way.

"Oi!" you shouted hearing them stop for a moment, you and Hina rounded the corner to see two blondes with Takemichi's items in their hands ready to launch at each other. Both were staring at you with annoyance, Takemichi stood to the side with tears streaming down his face and his friends behind him gave you a small wave.

"If you two want to fuck each other up go for it but be careful of who's around you assholes" you growled at the two blondes before you, Hina tried to stop you especially when both boys stared at you angrily.

"Y/N, they're the captains of Toman" Hina whispered and you laughed.

"You two are the great Captains of Toman? No wonder the gang is falling to pieces if this is how you behave" you said sarcastically, everyone had heard the rumours of the rift between Toman.

"Shut it" the shorter one yelled while the tall one met your glare evenly. The short one threw something the taller one caught without even turning around, even you had to admit that was impressive but you didn't let that show as he stared you down, pinning you with his gaze. What finally pulled his attention away was Takemichi screaming and yelling at them.

He turned away and you felt as if a weight was suddenly gone allowing you to breathe properly again. You looked over to Takemichi and covered your mouth to stop the laughter from escaping, he was being so serious, giving such a heartfelt speech that under any other circumstances would be moving. In this particular instance it was hard to listen because of the poop on his head, Hina looked to you confused as you pointed out the hair accessory. She looked away covering her mouth not wanting to ruin his speech.

When he finally stopped you were about to collapse from holding in your laughter, it seemed the others were too as the short guy pointed it out to Takemichi who freaked out trying to get some help. Everyone sprinted, you had Hina's hand in your own and started to run. To your surprise someone took your other hand leading you both to a nearby park.

It was the tall guy and you didn't want to admit how nice and warm his hand was, you knew he could have gone faster but he slowed to keep pace with you. Everyone was laughing carefree as the wind rushed past.

You didn't notice the tall boy was stealing looks back at you, enjoying the look of pure joy on your face. When everyone reached the park he was almost hesitant to let go of your hand but it would be weird if he continued to hold it. You blushed a little looking at him before turning to Hina, trying to shake off the warm feeling coursing through your skin.

"He's never going to live this down" you grinned at Hina who laughed shaking her head. She knew there was no point in trying to stop you.

Eventually Takemichi joined you all, everyone had some go's at him but especially you making so many jokes Hina covered your mouth and told you to go and play ball with the boys while her boyfriend cried calling you mean.

Draken sat with Mikey, Takemichi and Hina, he was greateful they weren't fighting anymore. He had to admit that Takemichi was right, their fight affected more than just them - his thoughts continued to spiral until a voice broke through.

"Eww, Hina don't hug him - he'll give you germs" the h/c haired girl called out with a grin on her face.

"Be nice!" Hina called back as Takemichi sighed sadly,

"Why are you friends with someone so mean" he asked quietly, the next second he was hit in the head with the ball. The girl looked at him with a raised brow before looking away and whistling at Hina's angry stare.

"Don't talk about her like that, it's no wonder she doesn't like you" Hina sighed.

"Who is she?" Draken couldn't stop himself from asking as he threw the ball back to the others.

"She's a demon" Takemichi said annoyed while Hina shook her head.

"Her names Y/N and yes she can be mean to Takemichi but she's an amazing friend to me"

"It's not her fault, being mean to Takemichi is easy" Mikey said with a laugh going to join the others.

"Hey Draken, do you like her?" Hina asked with an excited smile, he hadn't noticed himself staring at the girl.

"Of course not" he said quickly, his cheeks and ears burning.

"Sure" Hina laughed while Takemichi freaked out trying to talk about all the horrible things she'd done to him, things that admittedly Draken found quite funny.

Takemichi eventually ran out of steam and went to join the others leaving Hina and Draken alone.

"psst" Hina said quietly sliding a piece of paper over to him. With a raised brow he looked at the paper and saw a phone number written down. He was about to reject the number until Hina interjected.

"It's not my number, it's hers" she giggled.

"Oh, thanks" he gave her a small smile before looking back to the others, Y/N and Mikey were playing piggy in the middle with Takemichi while all the others stood by laughing and joining in making Takemichi cry.

"If she has a boyfriend, it might stop her from picking on him so much" Hina sighed,

"Yeah I doubt that" Draken laughed as you poked your tongue at Takemichi before bouncing the ball to Mikey. 

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