Missing - Part 3 - Mikey

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TW: suicide, depression ***

Takemichi sat by Alice at the funeral, she was watching her dad by Y/Ns grave.

"You ok little one?" Takemichi asked ruffling her hair, she looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't like seeing daddy upset" she mumbled before playing with the hem of her dress.

"Me either" Takemichi said lifting her into his lap, she snuggled in cuddling him.

"I wish I could bring her here for daddy, he misses her" again Takemichi couldn't help but agree.

"You know, when I first met her she came and saved your daddy's butt" Takemichi smiled, "she had a bright smile like you do"

"How do I help daddy?" She asked looking up at him,

"I wish we could, all you can do-" the world spun as she grabbed his hand in her tiny ones.

All of a sudden he was thrown back in time, looking around dazed he saw Y/N walking up to him.

"Well?" she asked stuffing her hands into her back pockets. His eyes went wide

"Y.... Y/N?" She smiled at him,

"Yeah Michi, it's me, are you you though?"

He launched himself from his seat wrapping his arms tightly around her, she seemed a bit surprised at first.

"Hey, it's ok" she patted his back as he cried, when he eventually calmed down he looked at her holding her shoulders tightly.

"I know what your planning and it won't work, there's a better way" he stressed the last few words. She looked surprised but didn't say anything.

She was right in a way, her plan had kind of worked, Mikey stayed on track containing his darkness and resolving it, her other friends made the most of their relationships knowing how quickly they could end, but there had to be a better way.

"If you are so set on disappearing, do that, disappear and live! Travel, get out of Tokyo, that way one day you can come back, please! They won't get over your death Y/N, they deserve better and so do you!" She had tears in her eyes,

"Where would I go? My family is here, I have no money, you said that things are good 12 years away, how am I supposed to stay away that long? I don't know how to keep going without anyone"

"Im going to buy you a bus ticket and a new phone, just go, live a different life, get a job and keep yourself busy. Then in 12 years meet me at the cemetery, let that drive you, get help for your depression, live an incredible life and then come and find me, this exact day in 12 years" after a few moments she nodded.

"I can at least try right"

That night she disappeared, getting on a bus and leaving her life behind. Takemichi smiled, shaking her hand as she boarded and sending himself back to the future.

He woke up beside Hina and smiled kissing her forehead before sneaking away. He stood before an empty grave, the grave that would have been Y/N's.

"Is that really you crybaby?" A voice joined him, he looked up to see Y/N. She had aged a little but there was no mistaking her.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you" he smiled hugging her. She looked good, content, a light was back on her eyes.

"Your little speech kept me going Takemichi, I've lived and I got the help I needed but I'm so happy to be home" she said squeezing him tightly before letting go.

"Are you married now?" He asked looking at her hand. She looked down with a small smile.

"Mikey gave this to me when we were 16, it was his mothers, it was a placeholder... I never took it off"

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