Surprise - Nahoya

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"Souya!" you yelled running inside the Kawata household, your heart beating so hard you thought it was going to come out of your chest. You put your hands on your knees trying to take deep breaths,

"Souya!" you yelled again the sound strangled, your chest tightening and breathing becoming difficult.

"Y/N!" The blue haired Kawata yelled as he saw you hunched over in the entry way, he led you to a chair and instructed you to breath.

"Deep breaths with me, in...... out...." he instructed calming you down until you could finally breath on your own.

"What's going on? Where's Nahoya?" he asked and you shook your head,

"Nahoya's with the Toman Captains, Souya I don't know what I'm gonna do" you said freaking out.

"Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on?" he said, doing a great job of keeping calm while he was internally panicking. His brothers girlfriend and his best friend had just burst through their door shouting and having a panic attack, it was enough to make his heart rapidly pulse.

"I'm late and I was worried so I took a test and ...." you trailed off trying to pull the words from your throat, they seemed to get trapped.

"What are you talking about Y/N?" he tried again,

"Do you want me to call Smiley?"

"No!" you panicked, "No, you can't not yet, I don't know how I'm going to tell him, how am I going to face him" you dropped your face into your hands. He pried them away and made you look at him,

"You need to tell me what's happening, your freaking me out and if you can't tell me what's going on I'm going to call Nahoya" He said sternly, taking a deep breath you looked into his eyes.

"Souya, I'm pregnant" you said quietly. His jaw dropped,

"You're pregnant" he repeated and you nodded, "okay" he sighed.

"So double checking, you haven't told Nahoya yet" he asked and you nodded.

"I took a test and came straight here, I knew Nahoya wasn't here and your my best friend so" you rambled running a hand through your hair.

"What's he going to say" you asked him and he sighed,

"He loves you more than anything, I think he'll be happy honestly" he gave you a small smile of encouragement.

"How do I tell him?" you bit your nails, they were almost gone at this point. Souya came forward cupping your hands in his,

"You'll find a way and you'll be supported no matter what route you take, you've got this" he smiled reassuringly and you gave a brief smile. At that moment you both heard the door opening.

"Yo Bro, were here" Nahoya called out, you quickly wiped your eyes trying to erase the evidence of your tears.

Smiley walked in followed by Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Takemichi. Nahoya's grin widened when he saw you, but faltered when he saw the tear marks and your puffy eyes.

"Hey baby are you ok?" he came over quickly kneeling in front of you and cupping your face between his hands. You heart fluttered at how caring he was with you almost causing another wave of tears.

"Hey baby, I'm ok, just got a bit emotional" you smiled at him and he kissed you tenderly,

"Get a room you two" Mikey yelled at your affection.

"Just cause your forever alone Mikey" you shot back, hey! He pouted.

You laughed and Nahoya smiled seeing you smile but worry sat in the back of his mind, he'd ask Souya later what happened.

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