Kidnapped - Baji

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This idea came from

Major Trigger warning for this chapter, kidnapping, abuse, SA mention, Violence and depression.

It is a little long but let me know how I went :) ***

"He landed me in detention again!" You whined,

"Keisuke Baji is the biggest pain in the ass I have ever met" your friend just laughed at you. She found the whole thing hilarious. Baji was always picking on you in one way or another - hiding your books or bag, he once took a pair of your underwear from home and hung them on your locker!

You lived in the same building complex and your mothers had become friends so he had more access to your life than you felt comfortable with. He also took you to & from school everyday because 'he was such a gentleman' your mother would say, the real reason was he'd get in trouble if he didn't.

One time he'd gone through your room while you were in the shower and found your journal, you had to bribe him to keep his mouth shut. The bribe was 2 months of tutoring so he could pass his tests. It was brutal. 

He kicked chairs out from under you, aimed balls at you any time he had one and worst off, he beat up any guy that showed any kind of interest in you. The idiot had everyone else fooled into thinking that he was awesome but you just wanted to kick him between the legs.... Repeatedly.

Chifuyu was the only one that pulled him up which you were grateful for but he couldn't stop everything.

This morning Baji had drawn crude things all over your desk, you hadn't noticed cause you'd been facing the other way talking to a friend and actively ignoring him. When the teacher saw what was on your desk you got detention for the whole of next week no matter what you said.

"Why not just report him?" Your friend asked, you sighed in defeat.

"He has this way of talking himself out of trouble if not him then one of the other boys, I can't win" retaliation had been tried and failed a many times.

Now you just ignored him as much as humanly possible.

"Oi you!" You both stopped looking behind you to see two guys in some gang uniform. Oh you were not in the mood today.

"Are you talking to us?"

"Who else it's a quiet street hunny" one of them grinned looking you up and down.

"No" you said turning and grabbing your friend to try walk away. One of them grabbed your arm,

"You look familiar" he studied your face.

"And you don't, let me go" he smirked at you then his eyes widened in realisation, a chill slipped over your spine.

"Your that Toman captains bitch!" He pointed a finger at you, acting as if he solved some big mystery.

"I'm no one's bitch you got the wrong girl now let me go" you tried removing his hand but he was a lot stronger, your friend was frozen, looking terrified.

"Toman fucked up and now your coming with us, we've seen you with him so there's no point in lying" he roughly grabbed you as you tried to fight, your friend snapped out of her daze staring at you in fear.

"Run!" You screamed at her. Her feet hit the pavement hard as she ran away from the scene, you hoped that she would find help, you could hold them off for a bit. Or at least that's what you thought until they knocked you out.

You had no idea how long you'd been in this room but from how hungry and thirsty you were, it had to have been a while.

"I already told you dumb fucks I'm not his girl! I live in the same building that's it!" You yelled irritated, your hand was tired from banging on the door so hard.

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