Secret Wife - Ran - part 3

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It had been 3 months since you had last seen Ran. You had felt so empty, always tired.

Ran had tried to contact you multiple times but you never answered,

Your bestie was coming over tonight, she was tired of your moping but how could you be expected to get over 6 years in just 3 months. You found your mind often wondering to Ran, he had gifts delivered regularly - your favourite flowers and foods, books from your favourite author, things he saw that reminded him of you and love letters that made your heart ache.

You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard the knocking on your door. Walking over you smiled letting her in.

"I have curry, bad movies, popcorn and wine, we have a busy night ahead of us" she grinned sauntering into the room,

"Your awfully chipper" you said watching her as she bounced around, she turned looking at you and narrowing her gaze.

"And you are still depressed because of an asshole, go get your comfy pj's on and then we'll watch the movies and do stupid shit so you can have one night where you're not thinking about him" she said flicking a flower that was on your kitchen bench.

"Don't take it out on the flowers, they're my favourite" you scolded her before walking upstairs. While you were gone she found the latest of his letters. 3 pages long detailing every little thing he loved about you, how much he missed you and what he had planned for your future. She sighed, he fucked up yes but he was working overtime to win you back and if he hadn't fucked up, she would have thought he was the perfect man for her best friend.

You came back downstairs in your Pj's to see your bestie had already changed and set out the food on the table, you brought down the comfy blankets and pillows and set up the living area for your slumber party.

Picking up the curry you went to take a bite but scrunched your nose against the smell.

"I think there's something wrong with the curry" you said pulling it away from your face, she raised an eyebrow and took the curry smelling it as well.

"It smells fine to me" she said shrugging, before giving you her curry. You took a bite of the curry but spat it out before swallowing feeling yourself get hot - dropping the curry on the table you ran to the bathroom throwing up.

Walking back out your friend looked at you in concern.

"Are you feeling ok?" she asked checking your temperature.

"No, I don't feel very well, are you ok?"

"I'm fine everything tastes and smells normal to me" she said looking concerned.

"Oh, I must just have a stomach bug or something" you said rubbing your stomach, she gazed at your stomach before her eyes widened.

"Y/N, when was the last time you got your period?" she asked carefully,

"Oh it was..." you couldn't remember, the last couple of months had blended together. "I don't know" you said eventually meeting her wide eyes with your own.

You both got your bags and jackets not even bothering to change out of your PJ's. She drove you both to the closest pharmacy and you both ran in grabbing a handful of tests each, if you were testing you were going to be damn sure.

2 hours and five positive tests later you and her both sat on your couch staring at the tests, unsure of what to say next.

"So your pregnant" She eventually broke the silence.

"it would seem so"

"And it's Ran's?"

"He's the only man I've ever slept with" you said rubbing your temples, "I have to tell him" you sighed throwing yourself backwards on your couch.

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